
GLADNEY Center for Adoption: “What Do Adoptees Wish People Knew about Them?”

This article explains a few things that adoptees would like others to know about them. It describes how adoptees are similar to everyone else, how they are different, and encourages people to not assume things about adoption. This source can apply to and most benefit those who don’t know much about adoption but would like to learn further about it.

Psychology Today: “Adult Adoptees in Relationships: Eleven Red Flags to Avoid Future Abandonment”

This article is about red flags adoptees should avoid when searching for a relationship. The 11 red flags are explained in a sort of biased, protective stance and it is important to recognize the nuances in every relationship. This source may apply to and most benefit adoptees who are seeking a relationship, but would like some guidance to protect themselves.

Considering Adoption: “Adopted Adults and Relationships – How Are They Affected?”

This article explains how people’s relationships migh be affected if they’re adopted. It gives details on how some adoptee’s emotional difficulties can affect or not affect a relationship and encourages adoptees to seek out therapy if needed. This source may apply to and most benefit adoptees who want to understand where some of their troubled feelings regarding relationships stem from.

Adopt a Love Story: “10 Needs Adoptees Want You to Know About”

This article explains ten common needs adoptees want others to know about, like that adoption is a lifelong journey, they need to claim their identity, and more. This source can apply to and most benefit spouses of adoptees who want to understand more about an adoptee’s identity. “Confessions of an Adoptee’s Dating Life”

This article gives an adoptee’s perspective on how they might view dating, goes through attachment styles, and explains their feelings. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees who want to know more about how their identity could affect their dating life.

OnlineTherapy: “Marriage and Family Therapist Online”

An article and search directory, this source discusses the decision to find a marriage and family therapist online and also links to a directory that allows users to filter by state. It is possible to search through 50 states and view profiles listing: years of experience, language, specialization, and bios.

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy: “Adoption”

This article explains how adoption, and the attitudes surrounding it have changed over the years. It explains different reasonings behind the decision to adopt, and how adoptive parents, like biological parents, love their children and want the best for them. The difference is that adopted children face different challenges that family therapy can help resolve or manage.

No Hands But Ours: “Preparing for Adoption: A Family Therapist’s Perspective”

An article on preparing for adoption by Ashley Yeager, a family therapist and Trust-Based Relational Intervention Practitioner. She incorporates a spiritual feel, and explains different steps for prospective adoptive parents to take.

American Adoptions: “The Truth About Adopted Adults and Relationship Issues”

“An article explaining that although not many studies have been conducted on adoptees and trauma, many adoptees feel they have relationship issues tracing back to their adoption.”

Considering Adoption: “5 Things the Spouse of an Adoptee Should Know”

This brief article by Considering Adoption touches on five different things spouses need to know and recognize. While not incredibly complicated or detailed, this article is a good place to start.

NPR: “Adoptees express their fear, anger and insight on race during social unrest”

A news article that spotlights adoptees of all backgrounds and adopted families, as they explain how their identity has been shaped by social unrest and the ways it has impacted their family dynamic.

The New York Times: “IDENTITY: When Parents Adopt a Child and a Whole Other Culture”

A New York Times article on how adoptee identity is a complex issue that is unique for each adoptee. It discusses how parents are not only adopting a child, but also their child’s culture.

Adoption Surrogacy Choices of Colorado: “Understanding an Adult Adoptee’s Emotions”

This blog discusses the contradicting emotions some adoptees may face. It provides an introduction to the complex feelings adoptees can experience.

The Guardian: “Stories of transracial adoptees must be heard – even uncomfortable ones”

Korean-American adoptee Nicole Chung touches on the way adoptees are expected to fit into the framework of white supremacy and which emotions are considered acceptable for adoptees to have. She discusses her own experience with the phrase “a good adoptee.”