
Adoptee Restoration: “Adoptees and Trust Issues with Spouses and Significant Others”

Summary: From Adoptee Restoration, this narrative article shares the author’s experiences in how she overcame trust issues with her spouse. The center of the story is about how she worked through the decision to give her husband access to her medical information. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees who are figuring out their trust issues with their spouse.

Psychology Today: “Adult Adoptees in Relationships: Eleven Red Flags to Avoid Future Abandonment”

This article is about red flags adoptees should avoid when searching for a relationship. The 11 red flags are explained in a sort of biased, protective stance and it is important to recognize the nuances in every relationship. This source may apply to and most benefit adoptees who are seeking a relationship, but would like some guidance to protect themselves.

Considering Adoption: “Adopted Adults and Relationships – How Are They Affected?”

This article explains how people’s relationships migh be affected if they’re adopted. It gives details on how some adoptee’s emotional difficulties can affect or not affect a relationship and encourages adoptees to seek out therapy if needed. This source may apply to and most benefit adoptees who want to understand where some of their troubled feelings regarding relationships stem from.

Adoptee Restoration: “Trusting & Fully Loving Your Spouse or Significant Other (10 Important Choices adoptees Can Make)”

This narrative article shares the author’s experiences and gives a list of ten choices an adoptee can make in their relationship. It is important to understand that this article is faith based. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees who are figuring out their trust nd attachment issues with their spouse. “Confessions of an Adoptee’s Dating Life”

This article gives an adoptee’s perspective on how they might view dating, goes through attachment styles, and explains their feelings. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees who want to know more about how their identity could affect their dating life.

Colorado Marriage Retreats: “Do People Who Are Adopted Have Trouble Loving?”

This article answers the question “Do People Who Are Adopted Have Trouble Loving?” from the partner of an adoptee — a licensed marriage and family therapist’s perspective. The response is empathetic and gives recommendations on what the partner should do. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees or spouses who are interested in improving a relationship that might be affected by adoption.

American Adoptions: “Your Adoption Relationships”

This source is a starting point for adoptees who want to understand their relationships. Some of these guides are about friends, reunion, attachment theory, and more. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees seeking guidance in understanding and approaching relationships.

Confessions of a Chinese Adoptee

This group tells adoptees’ stories in order to help empower other adoptees in their self-growth and change the narrative of adoption. It has resources for all adoptees including Chinese adoptees.

CCI (China’s Children International) Pride

This is a private Facebook group created by CCI (China’s Children International) for those who identify as LGBTQ+ individuals. It is for Chinese adoptees and is open to all ages. It’s a network to discuss issues and topics relating to Chinese adoptees and the LGBTQ+ community.


This group aims to provide adoption information for Chinese and Taiwanese adoptees as well as organize activities for adoptees such as support groups. It is based in the Netherlands and is for all Dutch speaking Chinese and Taiwanese adoptees.

American Adoptions: “The Truth About Adopted Adults and Relationship Issues”

“An article explaining that although not many studies have been conducted on adoptees and trauma, many adoptees feel they have relationship issues tracing back to their adoption.”

Meggin Nam Holtz (LMSW)

Meggin Holtz received her MSW with a focus on child and adolescent trauma in the clinical setting. She provides therapy to youth, adolescents, families, and adults utilizing a strengths-based, trauma-informed, attachment, culturally and racially sensitive, and adoption-informed lens.

Adoptee Hub

“””Our mission is to connect, collaborate, and preserve adoption legacies through community, culture, and post-adoption services. Adoptees deserve the opportunity to know their history, have a sense of belonging, experience their birth culture, and have access to services in a supportive safe space throughout their adoption journey.” “

Chinese Adoptee Alliance (CAA)

FCC is a nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and their families and friends. Founded in the early 1990s in Manhattan as a parent support group, and expanding to a nation-wide network, our members include adoptive parents, Chinese adoptees and their siblings and other relatives, as well as friends of the organization.

Spence-Chapin Mentorship Programs

Spence-Chapin’s Mentorship are Adoptee-led and run programs for teen and tween Adoptees which meet monthly as a group with adult Adoptee Mentors.

Yoffe Therapy

Yoffe Therapy, Inc. is a group psychotherapy practice composed of dedicated, compassionate clinicians brought together to serve the Adoption and Foster Care community in Los Angeles. Clinicians are seasoned professionals, Adoption and Foster Care competent, highly skilled at their craft, and focused on the growth and resiliency of their clients.

Unconditionally Adopted

Unconditionally Adopted offers many different types of therapy for children, youth, and young adults. This organization specializes in helping adoptive parents create long-lasting, trusting relationships with their children.

Hiking the Heart

Maria Trimble is a licensed therapist in the states of Wisconsin, Florida and Hawaii. She specializes in providing psychotherapy services for adults, teenagers, adoptees and families.

Willow Bay Therapy

Founder of Willow Bay Therapy, Joanna Kelly is certified in PACC. She is a Registered Play Therapist (RPT) and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) and her practice is adoption-competent.


PAC-UK is the country’s largest independent Adoption Support Agency. They offer a range of services including adoptive parent and career support, adult adoptee support, birth parent support, and more.

Adoptees On: 32 [Healing Series] How to Choose a Therapist

The podcast AdopteesOn produced this episode on finding an adoption competent therapist, sharing tips on where to look and who to ask.

Trust Based Relationship Intervention (TBRI) Search Therapy Engine

A TBRI practitioner directory featuring professionals who specialize in treating traumatized children.

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare: PACC

The PACC (Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate) was developed to increase the availability and competency of a professional workforce to serve clinical and practical needs for adopted individuals and their families.

Latinx Therapy

A Latinx therapy directory for users looking for therapists with diverse backgrounds and specialties (cultural identities, migration backgrounds, LGBTQ+).

TherapyDen: Adoption Issues

Therapy Den is an online community of mental health professionals seeking to make the experience of finding a therapist easy by offering a search directory of therapists. They have a page full of professionals of varying credentials specializing in adoption.

Inclusive Therapists

A search directory for therapists where users are able to filter by therapists characteristics, including age, ethnicity, gender identity, and more (African diaspora, transgender, two spirit, migrant/immigrant, LGBTQ+, etc.).

Amanda Baden, PH.D.

Amanda Baden is am a Licensed Psychologist in New York City with a small practice in Manhattan. She specializes in work with those impacted by adoption but I also work with issues related to racial, cultural, and identity concerns.

Finding an Adoption Competent Therapist

A slideshow with suggestions for adoptees to consider when looking for an adoption competent therapist.

Finding and Working with Adoption Competent Therapists

An article on approaches to therapy, finding the right therapist, and knowing how to work with them.

Grow Beyond Words Adoptee Therapist Directory

“This directory includes licensed U.S. mental health professionals who identify as adoptees & work with adoptees/adoptive families in a variety of public & private settings”

Florida Department of Children and Families

A compilation of adoption resources in Florida.

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare

A search directory of Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate (PACC) certified therapists located throughout Minnesota.

UCONN Health Adoption Community Network Therapy Directory

The purpose of the Adoption Community Network (ACN) Therapist Directory is to identify local clinicians who indicate special training to work with adoptive families in Connecticut.

I Am Adoptee

Curates an online community of mental health and wellness resources to help navigate the lived experience of being an intercountry adopted person.