
Adoption Identity Race Exploration (AIRE)

AIRE was created out of the need for an inclusive space for BIPOC adoptees (of all genders, identities, and experiences) to build and collaborate. AIRE also offers holistic emotional and spiritual counseling and partners with other organizations to provide consultations about programming, curriculum development, and workshop planning.

Child Mind Institute: “Trauma & Grief”

This webpage features countless articles about the basics of recognizing and addressing trauma in children. It includes topics like the effects, causes, and treatments of trauma and grief. It also includes some common traumatic diagnoses and how trauma affects children in academic settings.

Nursing License Map with edX: “Anti-Racism Resources for Students and Professionals in Healthcare”

This article explores the history of mistreatment and discrimination in healthcare that puts people of color at a disadvantage. It also discusses the changes that are necessary for health professionals and students to be anti-racist and eliminate healthcare inequities.

The Racial Empowerment Collaborative (REC) at Penn GSE

REC is a research, program development, and training center that brings people together to promote racial literacy and health in schools and neighborhoods. They offer a TEDMED talk which explains how racial stress impacts health and suggests what people can do to alleviate stress caused by racism.

Psychology Today

Psychology Today is a media outlet that publicizes literature and resources about behavioral science and mental health. This directory in particular offers detailed listings for mental health professionals in the United States that are adoption-competent.

Beyond Words Psychological Services

This LLC, established by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker, offers a directory of professional (medical and mental health) resources in the Denver Metro Area. Dr. Wirta-Leiker specializes in issues of race, identity, societal expectaion, family relationships, and adoption.

The Association of Black Psychologists, Inc.

This is an association that specializes in supporting Black psychologists and patients.

Adoptee Restoration: “Adoptees and Trust Issues with Spouses and Significant Others”

Summary: From Adoptee Restoration, this narrative article shares the author’s experiences in how she overcame trust issues with her spouse. The center of the story is about how she worked through the decision to give her husband access to her medical information. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees who are figuring out their trust issues with their spouse.

Psychology Today: “Adult Adoptees in Relationships: Eleven Red Flags to Avoid Future Abandonment”

This article is about red flags adoptees should avoid when searching for a relationship. The 11 red flags are explained in a sort of biased, protective stance and it is important to recognize the nuances in every relationship. This source may apply to and most benefit adoptees who are seeking a relationship, but would like some guidance to protect themselves.

Considering Adoption: “Adopted Adults and Relationships – How Are They Affected?”

This article explains how people’s relationships migh be affected if they’re adopted. It gives details on how some adoptee’s emotional difficulties can affect or not affect a relationship and encourages adoptees to seek out therapy if needed. This source may apply to and most benefit adoptees who want to understand where some of their troubled feelings regarding relationships stem from.

Adoptee Restoration: “Trusting & Fully Loving Your Spouse or Significant Other (10 Important Choices adoptees Can Make)”

This narrative article shares the author’s experiences and gives a list of ten choices an adoptee can make in their relationship. It is important to understand that this article is faith based. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees who are figuring out their trust nd attachment issues with their spouse.

Adoption Reconnect

The Adoption Reconnect Facebook page focuses on partners of adoptees. It validates the feelings of partners of adoptees, explains an adoptee’s feelings/differences, and how one should support their adoptee partner. This source can apply to and most benefit spouses of adoptees who want to understand/support their partners.

Transfiguring Adoption: “A Spouse’s Love for an Adoptee”

This narrative article shares the author’s experiences and perspectives on what it is like to be a spouse of an adoptee. He emphasizes with his wife’s feelings, explains the reasoning of his own feelings, and how he chooses to support her. This source can apply to and most benefit spouses of adoptees who want to understand another spouse’s perspective.

Adopt a Love Story: “10 Needs Adoptees Want You to Know About”

This article explains ten common needs adoptees want others to know about, like that adoption is a lifelong journey, they need to claim their identity, and more. This source can apply to and most benefit spouses of adoptees who want to understand more about an adoptee’s identity. Spouse of adoptee issues/support

This forum thread is to support spouses of adoptees. It deals with attachment issues, self-blaming, and biased personal opinions. It is important to understand that these perspectives are not universally true and may be triggering. This source can apply to and most benefit spouses of adoptees who want to connect with others and want new perspectives. “Confessions of an Adoptee’s Dating Life”

This article gives an adoptee’s perspective on how they might view dating, goes through attachment styles, and explains their feelings. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees who want to know more about how their identity could affect their dating life.

Colorado Marriage Retreats: “Do People Who Are Adopted Have Trouble Loving?”

This article answers the question “Do People Who Are Adopted Have Trouble Loving?” from the partner of an adoptee — a licensed marriage and family therapist’s perspective. The response is empathetic and gives recommendations on what the partner should do. This source can apply to and most benefit other adoptees or spouses who are interested in improving a relationship that might be affected by adoption.

American Adoptions: “Your Adoption Relationships”

This source is a starting point for adoptees who want to understand their relationships. Some of these guides are about friends, reunion, attachment theory, and more. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees seeking guidance in understanding and approaching relationships.

Confessions of a Chinese Adoptee

This group tells adoptees’ stories in order to help empower other adoptees in their self-growth and change the narrative of adoption. It has resources for all adoptees including Chinese adoptees.

NPR: “I Found My Birth Mother. It Didn’t Rock My Life — And That’s OK”

This is a short narrative story about an adoptee’s experience of meeting her birth mother and her feelings about it. This story can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are wondering about an experience like this. It is important to remember that this short story is not meant to be discouraging but comes from a rather realistic point of view.

Center for American Progress (CAP): “Welcoming All Families”

This is a report that talks about discrimination against LGBTQ foster and adoptive parents. It explains that religious exemptions allow agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ parents and how that reduces the families available to adopt, overburdens the child welfare system, and hurts the best interests of children. .

CCI (China’s Children International) Pride

This is a private Facebook group created by CCI (China’s Children International) for those who identify as LGBTQ+ individuals. It is for Chinese adoptees and is open to all ages. It’s a network to discuss issues and topics relating to Chinese adoptees and the LGBTQ+ community.


This group aims to provide adoption information for Chinese and Taiwanese adoptees as well as organize activities for adoptees such as support groups. It is based in the Netherlands and is for all Dutch speaking Chinese and Taiwanese adoptees.

Talkspace: “The History of the LGBTQ Community and Mental Health Treatment”

From, this source will most apply to and benefit those who are seeking information about the history of the LGBTQ community and mental health treatment. The article goes over an abbreviated history, how the LGBTQ identity came to be designated as a mental illness, conversion therapy history, ongoing conversations about gender, and current issues.

LGBT National Help Center: LGBT National Youth Talkline

The LGBT National Youth Talkline will most apply to and benefit LGBT youth (age 25 and younger) who need free and confidential peer-support. On the webpage you can find the talklines hours and information on what to expect on a call.

LGBT National Help Center Call Services

The LGBT National Help Center will most apply to and benefit LGBT folks who need free and confidential peer-support and local resources. The page has the numbers of hotlines, an online peer-support chat, weekly youth chat rooms, and a list of resources that serve throughout the country.

National Coalition for LGBTQ Health

The National Coalition for LGBTQ Health’s services can most apply to and benefit everyone in the LGBTQ Community. The coalition is “committed to improving the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals through federal and local advocacy, education, and research”. On the website you can explore their work regarding LGBTQ health and their resource page.

Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

GLSEN is a source that can most apply to and benefit LGBTQ+ youth who are in learning environments. The organization works to activate supportive educators, uplift student-led movements, conduct extensive research, construct resources for educators, advocate for policies, and has 43 chapters in 30 states. On the webpage you can learn more about their work and recent news & blog posts.

GSA Network

The Genders & Sexualities Alliances (GSAs)’s services can most apply to and benefit LGBTQ+ youth in the context of their communities. GSAs are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ youth and allies to fight for racial and gender justice. On the website, you can find resources on the resource page, find your GSA network, and learn more about the work they do.

House of Rainbow

House of Rainbow’s services can most apply to and benefit LGBTQ+ people of color and faith. The organization works to combat religious homophobia and also validates LGBTQ religious individuals. It offers 1:1 support, group gatherings, and training workshops. On the website you can learn more about their services and the work they do.

National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN)

This organization works to advance healing justice by transforming mental health for queer and trans people of color. They have lists of community and practitioner resources including crisis hotlines, as well as a therapy directory. This source is great for all minority communities and mental health services can be filtered by city or zip code. You can also request to join the directory as well.


This organization offers ten counseling sessions at a reduced cost. Free sessions are also an option for people who cannot afford the fee. They have appointments 10am-6pm Monday through Friday. The counselors have competency training in LGBTQ2SAI+ and gender-diverse related issues, however there is a waitlist. This source is great for people who are in need of therapy and with diverse counselors.


This is a registered non-profit organization for LGBTQ people of South Asian descent in the Bay Area (CA). It’s 100% volunteer-based and they’re always looking for volunteers. They also provide a Desi LGBTQ Helpline. They have two subgroups: Women of Trikone and Parents @ Trikone. They also have resources and events.Their mission is to unite people amd affirm their South Asian identity and sexual orientation.

Massachusetts Asian + Pacific Islanders for Health (MAP)

This organization aims to provide a safe space where API LGBTQ+ youth (ages 16-25) can come together to find support and make friends. They have drop-in centers, peer events, resources and animal-assisted therapy. They work with the Chinatown neighborhood and the greater Boston area; programs and organizations with similar objectives; school and university resource centers; as well as health centers and local businesses. This is a great resource for API LGBTQ+ individuals in the Boston area.

PFLAG NYC: API Parents & Caregivers Group

This group meets twice a month for a lunchtime discussion for API parents and caregivers whose children are part of the LGBTQ+ community. They are based in New York City but have virtual meetings on zoom. They also have an events calendar for anyone who can or wants to attend. This is a parent resource for API parents who have LGBTQ+ children.

Rainbow LGBTQ Asians

This is an online Facebook group that is a safe space for LGBTQ+ Asians from all over to chat and share experiences and media which discuss the issues that LGBTQ+ Asians face. It is a private group with 84 members.

John Hopkins Medicine: Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity

From Johns Hopkins, the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity serves patients and families who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. The webpage offers resources for patients, families, students, staff, and faculty. The website is available in 31 languages through the language assistance program.

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)

Parents and Families/Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is a source that can apply to and benefit the LGBTQ+ community. It is the “first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families.” On the webpage you can find support, information, and resources. There is also the PFLAG Chapter Network that has over 400 chapters across the country with 200,000 + members.

Free Mom Hugs

Free Mom Hugs is a source that can apply to and benefit the LGBTQ+ community. It is an organization that encourages education, visability, and conversation. On the webpage you can learn more about their education opportunities for everyone through speaking engagements, webinars, interactive discussions, and other programs. You can also search by state to find a chapter in your area.

The Real Mama Bears

Mama Bears is a source that can apply to and benefit the LGBTQ community. The organization supports, educates, and empowers families with LGBTQ members through its programing. It offers private online communities, resources, opportunities to advocate, regional Mama Bear groups, and numerous other methods of support.

San Francisco State University: Family Acceptance Project

From the Family Acceptance Project, this source will most apply to and benefit the LGBTQ+ community in the context of their families, cultures, or faith communities. The Family Support Model created was made to “prevent health risks, strengthen families, and build healthy futures for LGBTQ and gender diverse children and youth”. The organization is centered around research, intervention, education, and policy. You can download posters with more information on them.

The Trevor Project: “Behaviors of Supportive Parents and Caregivers for LGBTQ Youth”

From the Trevor Project, this article will most apply to and benefit the parents who have LGBTQ+ children. In the article it explores the behaviors of supportive parents and caregivers for LGBTQ youth and explains that supportive behaviors are associated with lower suicide risk among LGBTQ kids.

Talkspace: “6 Ways to Support the Mental Health of Your LGBTQ Loved Ones”

From, this source will most apply to and benefit those who are seeking how to support the mental health of LGBTQ+ loved ones. The article goes over 6 important tips and gives detailed explanations. The source also gives additional resources

Project Lotus

The Lotus Project’s services can most apply to and benefit those who are interested in Asian American mental health advocacy. The mission is to destigmatize mental health in Asian-American communities by “tackling the model minority stereotype through culturally-relevant education for the community and the empowerment of voices.” The website features stories from the community, articles, webinars, workshops, and their podcast.

AA & NH/PI Health Central Directory

The AA & NH/PI Health Central Directory members of the AAPI community who want more information on health. You can search by Region AANHPI subgroup, and focus. On the short profiles you can read the summary and be linked to the organization’s website.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project’s services can apply to and most benefit LGBT youth. It is the World’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBT youth. On the website you can find support through 24/7 counselors, TrevorSpace (social community for ages 13-24), articles, and through plenty of the featured resources.

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)’s services can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ community. “As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change.” It offers several programs in the entertainment, news, and digital media to accelerate LGBTQ community. GLAAD also offers a Resource list.

It Gets Better Project

It Gets Better Project’s services can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ+ youth around the globe. It is a nonprofit organization with a mission to “uplift, empower, and connect” the LGBTQ+ youth through sharing articles, education, and events. The website is available in several; countries and can be translated in several locations.


Stonewall’s services can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ+ community. The organization fights for freedom, equity, and potential. Their campaigns drive positive change in public attitudes and public policy. On the website information is provided, resources, workplace/school resources, and recent news.

Transgender Training Institute (TTI)

From the Transgender Training Institute, this article can apply to and most benefit those who want to better understand & be more affirming of Trans and NON-Binary people. This organization is made up a transgender and non-binary educators who “facilitate professional development and personal growth trainings.” It provides tailored training, webinars, and classes for individuals. Prices are ‘Pay What You Can” or sliding scale fee.

Asexual Outreach: Ace Week

From Asexual Outreach, Inc, this webpage can apply to and most benefit those who would like to educate themselves or others on what asexuality is. The organization raises awareness for asexuality theough expanding education tool resources, projects, and events. On the webpage you can learn about their campaigns, projects, and online community hub.

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA World)

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association (ILGA) is a source that can apply to and most benefit those who who are part of the queer community. The organization supports LGBTI civil society worldwide through “advocacy and research projects, and gives grassroots movements a voice within international organizations.” The website has information about their world’s network, events, annual report, latest news, and a list of researched resources/reports.

National Library of Medicine: “Discrimination and Mental Health–Related Service Use in a National Study of Asian Americans”

From the National Library of Medicine, this academic article can most apply to and benefit anyone who is interested in learning more about the association between perceived discrimination and use of mental health services. With data coming from the National Latino and Asian American Study, conclusive results indicate a need for more bilingual services and collaborations between formal service systems and community resources.

Asians Do Therapy

Asians Do Therapy, is a website that can most apply to and benefit anyone in the AAPI community who needs some motivation to start. The website is packed with testimonials (including some by famous people), tips on how to start, and guides to finding a therapist. There is also a resource page with additional recommended articles, videos, and podcasts. The website in its whole is meant to destigmatize therapy for Asians.

NYU Langone Health: NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health

The NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health (CSAAH) is based in NYU Langone’s Section for Health Equity. Its services can most apply to and benefit anyone interested in the research and evaluation of Asian American health and health disparities. The webpage explains the sections on the background of the organization, its approach + guiding principles, research tracks, career development, and community engagement + dissemination resources.

Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI)

The Asian American Health Initiative’s services can most apply to and benefit AAPI in Montgomery County. As a part of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, AAHI assists with many programs, projects, and activities. Within the webpage, you can find a good resource page with documents in many languages, a mental health provider directory, and information on their many other programs

Asian & Pacific Island American Health Forum (APIAHF)

The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum’s services can most apply to and benefit the health of the AAPI community. Though influencing policy, mobilizing communities, and strengthening programs + organizations, the APIAHF supports the health of the AAPI community. It is the oldest and largest health advocacy org providing policy and political analysis, research, and communication strategies.

National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA)

NAPAFASA* (National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse)’s serves and works with AAPI communities on intiatives and projects addressing behavioral health in within the community. NAPAFASA is a private, non-profit, 501(c)(3) membership organization dedicated to mental health advocacy through research, efforts at public health and policy reform, and community empowerment. The organization has AAPI community roots but also works with people from all backgrounds. They advocate for direct participation and aim to connect people with knowledge.

Subtle Asian Mental Health

The Subtle Aisan Mental Health Facebook group’s services can most apply to and benefit those of Asian descent who want to be a part of an online community with a focus on mental health. The private group has 61.6k members and is supposed to be a safe space. You are encouraged to share anything you want about your feelings, thoughts, cultural issues, intergenerational trauma, and any other related topics. Comments are heavily moderated with the intention that everyone is treated with respect. Additional resources are provided within the group.

CDC: Children’s Mental Health

From the CDC, this article can most apply to and benefit parents who are interested in learning about therapy for their children. In this article, you learn what therapy is, get an overview of child mental illness, learn benefits of certain types of therapy, and a list of resources to help find a healthcare provider.

Medical News Today: “8 of the best online therapy programs for kids”

From Medical News Today, this article can most apply to and benefit parents who are interested in learning about therapy for their children. This article covers some different types of child therapy and child therapy techniques, how to know if a child needs therapy, how to explain therapy to a child, how to find a child therapist, child therapy costs and options, and more.

Nemours Children’s Health: “Taking Your Child to a Therapist”

From KidsHealth, this article can most apply to and benefit parents who are interested in learning about therapy for their children. In this article you can learn what therapy is, what problems they help with, how it works, and can answer other popular questions related to therapy for children.

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP): Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Finder

From the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, this therapist locator can most apply to and benefit parents who are interested in searching for a therapist for their child. After agreeing to the website’s terms, you can search by location. On the brief profile, you can find possible candiate’s names, location, and contact information.

William James College: “Guide for Parents of Asian/Asian American Adolescents”

From William James College Center of Excellence for Multicultural and Global Mental Health (CMGMH), this guide will most apply to and benefit parents of Asian/Asian American Adolescents. The guide and accompanying video is available in six languages. The guide covers the history of Asian-American Discrimination in the U.S, history of Asians fighting discrimination, why it’s important to talk about it, how to talk about it, and further resources.

HuffPost: “How To Find A Therapist Who Focuses On Asian American Mental Health”

From the HuffPost, this article can most apply to and benefit anyone who is part of the AAPI community who is interested in finding a culturally competent therapist. The article explains the importance of finding a safe space for AAPI to share freely through real accounts and gives other recommendations on finding a right therapist. There is also a list of recommended therapist directories one could utilize.

APA: “Recommendations for the Treatment of Asian-American/Pacific Islander Populations”

From the American Psychological association, this article can most apply to and benefit anyone who is part of the AAPI community or practitioners who are interested in understanding how AAPI should be treated in a mental health aspect. Sections in this guide include implications for culturally competent care, myths and misinformation, inadequacies of traditional mental health care, culture-specific views of mental health and healing, and more. There are good references to take a look at.

Asian Counseling and Referral Service (ACRS)

ACRS promotes social justice and the well-being and empowerment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities – including immigrants, refugees, and American-born – by developing, providing and advocating for innovative, effective and efficient community-based multilingual and multicultural services. ACRS services are available by appointment only.

APA: “Resources from the Ethnicity and Health in America Series”

From the American Psychological Association, this article can most apply to and benefit anyone who would like to know how national heritage months impact the health of ethnic populations. Through the Ethnicity and Health in America Series, there are resources given on stress and acculturation among Asian-Americans. There are also other AAPI Resources.

Inclusive Therapists

Inclusive Therapist’s services can apply to and especially benefit underrepresented communities. With its mission to be a “mental health liberation movement creating change through decolonial education, collective care, and activism.” Inclusive Therapist has a detailed filter system within its directory. You can search by name, keyword, location, insurance, language, service, and specialty. Professional profiles are very detailed as well.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): “Asian American and Pacific Islander”

From the National Alliance on Mental Illness, this article can most apply to and benefit anyone who is interested in AAPI mental health. The source is packed with information with sections on Barriers to Mental Health Care, How to Seek Culturally Competent Care, and a resource list. There are also multiple subcategories to explore within the larger ones.

Asian American Federation: Mental Health Directory

AA Federation Mental Health Directory can apply to and especially benefit the AAPI community as it’s known as the “first-ever asian mental health directory that speaks your language”. Its focus is on Asian New Yorkers. You can search by term and use filters to gain a better search. On profiles you can find information on the name, address, modality, email, website, clinical services, non-clinical services, credentials, language, and m

This directory is “the largest South Asian mental health therapist community in the world.” It operates internationally, with a focus on the US, Canada, and the UK. Users can filter by location, session type, and language. Profiles display therapists’ language(s), types of clients, session types, biographies, and contact information.

Asian Pacific Community Counseling

Asian Pacific Community Counseling (APCC)’s services can apply to and especially benefit Asian Americans who live in the California area. They offer the Transcultural Wellness Center (TWC), the Supporting Community Connections (SCC), and the Family Wellness Center (FWC). These organizations for mental health are culturally and linguistically appropriately handled.

Korean American Wellness Association (KAWA)

The Korean American Wellness Association (KAWA)’s services can apply to and especially benefit Korean Americans. The website is in Korean, you can search in directories for psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and psychotherapists. In each directory, you can search by keywords and numerous categories. In each profile, you can find info regarding specialties served, language, financial information, and contact information.

HealthRIGHT 360

HealRight360’s services can apply to and benefit most in the California area. The organization offers primary medical care, mental health services, substance use disorder treatment, social support & re-entry, and dental services. They also offer numerous other programs. There is an Asian American specific program called the Asian American Recovery Services (AARS) around the Bay Area.

Asian Health Services

Asian Health Service (AHS)’s mission is to “ serve and advocate for the medically underserved, including the immigrant and refugee Asian community and to ensure equal acess to healthcare services regardless of income, insurance status, language, or culture.” Services can apply to and benefit most in the Oakland, CA area. AHS is a healthcare provider that offer a complete range of medical, dental, and mental health services for all ages.

Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Centers (APCTC)

Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Centers ( APCTC)’s services can apply to and benefit API of all ages in the Southern California area. APCTC services are offered throughout Southern California within its seven locations. Call and talk about your needs with the cell phone numbers provided online. The website also contains a resource page.

Verywell Mind: “Best Mental Health Apps”

Medically reviewed and fact checked, this source lists out the best mental health apps of 2022. This source can apply to and benefit everyone. In each summary, you can review the cost, pros/cons, and a detailed description. The apps are also categorized by superlatives such as best for bipoc, best for adhd, ect. You also get an overview of what mental health apps are and their benefits.

Asian American Psychological Association: AAPA Fellows

The Asian American Psychological Association advocates “on behalf of Asian Americans as well as advancing Asian American psychology”. The association is for candidates who fulfill the minimum requirements and have outstanding impact/scholarship contributions to Asian American psychology. The work done by it’s members positively impacts and supports Asian Americans psychology. Within AAPA there are 8 divisions, including one on multiracial and adopted Asian Americans which seeks to 1) connect individuals so that we might better serve our communities, and 2) develop a home and community for adopted and multiracial Asian Americans within AAPA.

Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC)

The Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC) ’s services can apply to and benefit especially AAPI with its mission to “normalize and de-stigmatize mental health within the Asian community.” Within the site there is a U.S and Canadian therapist directory. On these directories there are detailed filters such as by issue, age group, finance information, modalities, and more. On the therapist profiles, there is detailed information. There is also a resource/ org directory that can be searched by location or category

National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA)

The National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA) ’s services can apply to and benefit especially AAPI with its mission to “promote the mental health and well being of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities.” The NAAPIMHA provides training, resources ( for all 50 states), advocacy opportunities, and has been involved in numerous projects.) The AANHPI Service Provider sheet provides resources listed for all 50 states. Organization, addresses, phone numbers, and websites are listed.

South Asian Mental Health Initiative & Network (SAMHIN)

The SAMHIN (South Asian Mental Health Initiative & Network)’s services can apply to and especially benefit the South Asian community in the United States. On its provider directory, which currently has 248 providers listed, you can search by location, name, and category. On professional profiles, you can find hours, financial information, contact information, and more. It is a recommendation to call the provider to confirm information such as accepted insurance.

Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA): “Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders”

The ADAA (Anxiety & Depression Association of America) can be a valuable source for everyone with its mission to “prevent, treat, and cure anxiety disorders and depression.” It also has a webpage dedicated to Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders. On this resource page, you can find yearly trending articles, infographics, ADAA member relevant resources, and AAPI provider directories.

Asians for Mental Health

The Asians for Mental Health Directory ’s services are for the members of the AAPI community seeking to improve their mental health. In the directory you can search by state. On profiles, you can find contact information, specializations, practice details and more. It is recommended to confirm credentials and qualifications yourself.

American Psychological Association (APA) Psychologist Locator

The American Psychological association’s services can apply to and benefit everyone. You can find AAPI therapy through this site through filters. To use you can search for a therapist by zip code, state, city, provider name, or practice area. In a therapist’s profile you can find their address, contact information, services, hours, insurance acceptance policy, and more.

American Board of Professional Psychology

The American Board of Professional Psychology’s services can apply to and benefit everyone. You can find AAPI therapy through this site through filters. This directory list only lists out all current ABPP board certified psychologists. In basic search you can search by name, specialty, or zip code. In advanced search, you can search by state office, state licensed, and within X miles of Zip.


MyWellbeing offers therapist matching, educational contact, professional development, virtual group support, workplace mental health, and social impact & access. Services can apply to and benefit everyone. You can find AAPI therapy through this site through filters. To match with 3 personalized matches you need to answer a guiding quiz. You are able to schedule and talk to your matches easily.


BetterHelp’s services can apply to and benefit everyone. You can find AAPI therapy through this site through filters. By filling out a detailed questionnaire you are assessed and able to get matched to one of 25,000 licensed therapists. You are able to message your therapist and request a new therapist easily.


Umute has an emphasis on serving/benefiting traditionally muted or marginalized communities with an aim on de-stigmatizing mental health. In its search directory you can search by state and insurance provider. In a therapist profile you can learn about their focus areas, treatment modalities, finance information, and more in their bio.


Headway’s services can apply to and benefit everyone. You can find AAPI therapy through this site through filters. Headway is also noted for its goal of “building the first asset-free national network of therapists who accept insurance”. You can search by location, concerns, and insurance carrier information. In a therapist profile you can learn more about the professional’s specializations, insurance information, schedule, and more.


GoodTherapy’s services can apply to and benefit everyone. You can find AAPI therapy through this site through filters. GoodTherapy is noted for being accessible anywhere. In the directory you can search by zip, city, treatment type, name, and organization. In a therapist profile you can find finance information, if telehealth is available, services, services, and more.

The Primal Wound

This book is a “seminal work which revolutionizes the way we think about adoption. It describes and clarifies the effects of separating babies from their birth mothers as a primal loss which affects the relationships of the adopted person throughout life”. This book also discusses pre-and perinatal psychology, attachment, bonding, and loss and gives adoptees, whose pain has long been unacknowledged or misunderstood, validation for their feelings, as well as explanations for their behavior. Additionally, it lists “the coping mechanisms which adoptees use to be able to attach and live in a family to whom they are not related and with whom they have no genetic cues”. The hope is that this book will “contribute to the healing of all members of the adoption triad and will bring understanding and encouragement to anyone who has ever felt abandoned”.

ICAV Post Adoption Services

List of intercountry and transracial, adoptee-led, post-adoption services located in the USA. Has search reunion services, counseling therapy services, and more.

Adoption Support Alliance: Connection Groups

The Adoption Support Alliance brings together adoptive families from across the Charlotte region. They offer six groups, within three categories: therapist-led, community-led, or a mix of support and education known as support-ucation. Session donations of $20 are suggested, but all groups are “Pay What You Can” and members are encouraged to participate only whenever possible.

Adoption Support Alliance

The Adoption Support Alliance offers an Adoption 101 course designed for anyone considering growing their family through adoption. The class discusses different aspects surrounding adoption, including the logistics of both domestic and international adoption, how to deal with grief and trauma, birth family relationships, and more. The ASA also offers classes on ‘Race, Culture & Adoption’ and ‘Adoption Training for Church Communities.’

Child Welfare Information Gateway: “Preadoption Training”

“Different types of adoption training are available to help prospective and adoptive parents learn more about the different aspects of adoption. The Child Welfare Information Gateway has compiled a list of different trainings that may be required and are useful for parents looking to understand more about their child and their development. “

Holt International: “Parenting Adoptees”

Holt International is a Christian organization that offers programs including Post-Adoption Coaching & Education (PACE) and Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). Both programs help parents to work with their children. Holt also provides resources on racial and adoptee identity, birth parents, and privilege and international adoption. All of these sections have links and videos designed to help parents understand their child.

America World Adoption: “Adoption Training”

America World Adoption is a Christian adoption agency offering ‘Anchored in Hope: Strengthening Adoptive Families’ which is designed to help families prepare for the placement of a child and to equip them to meet the unique needs of their child in a 10 hour curriculum. They also offer courses for preparing for after adoption with shorter training around 1 ½ hours. AWAA’s other resources include webinars and individual appointments.

Adoption Training Online

From the Children’s Aid Society of Alabama, several paid trainings are offered. There are Hague approved bundles. Trainings are various- spanning from domestic adoption, medical courses, and mental health

Gladney Center for Adoption: “Why Are Foster Care and Adoption Training Required?”

This article explains why foster care and adoption training is required. It discusses pre-service training, foster parent in-service training, post-adoption training, kinship-specific training, and more. The author also provides general advice about learning through parenting experience and how it is a journey.