

Child Mind Institute: “Trauma & Grief”

This webpage features countless articles about the basics of recognizing and addressing trauma in children. It includes topics like the effects, causes, and treatments of trauma and grief. It also includes some common traumatic diagnoses and how trauma affects children in academic settings.

CNN: “How to talk to your children about protests and racism”

This article explains how to discuss racism and protests with children. The article breaks down how to lead discussions by age group (toddler, tweens, teens).

Nursing License Map with edX: “Anti-Racism Resources for Students and Professionals in Healthcare”

This article explores the history of mistreatment and discrimination in healthcare that puts people of color at a disadvantage. It also discusses the changes that are necessary for health professionals and students to be anti-racist and eliminate healthcare inequities.

Today: “What Black adoptees want white parents to know about transracial adoption”

This article features the voices of Black adults who were adopted by white families. The adoptees share their perspectives on identity, culture, and their sense of belonging.

The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC): “I Am a Parent or Caregiver”

The NMAAHC’s purpose is to help children understand what race is, how it operates in society, and why it’s important (particularly in the US). This article is specifically for parents and caregivers who want their child(ren) to form a healthy racial identity, learn how to support complex racial problems in children, and speak out against racial inequity.

Resilience – “Reading and RES: Parent Tip Tool: Choosing and Using Books to Discuss Race and Ethnicity”

This brief article explains how reading books with your child is a key way to start and continue conversations about race and ethnicity. It also discusses why books are a good medium, the importance of conversations about race, and tips for how to choose appropriate books for your child.

American Academy of Pediatrics: “Talking to Children About Racial Bias”

This article explains how children learn racial bias, strategies to help children deal with these biases, and how parents can confront their own racial biases. The article also features tips for talking about racism and racial differences by age (preschool, grade school, etc.) and additional resources about discrimination.

RESilience – Engaging My Child: “Parent Tip Tool: Uplifting Families Through Healthy Communication About Race”

This is a brief parent tip tool that explains what RES (racial and ethnic socialization)is, who participates in RES, and suggestions for engaging in RES.

ChildTrends: “Resources to Support Children’s Emotional Well-Being Amid Anti-Black Racism, Racial Violence, and Trauma”

This article discusses how to talk to children about racism, racial violence, and trauma. It also features books and other resource compilations for parents and caregivers about how to discuss race and racism with children.

Online MSW Programs with edX: “How to Teach Kids About Race”

This article discusses how to teach children about the concepts of race, privilege, and racial and ethnic socialization (RES). Though this resource is primarily for social work students, it may be relevant to any adults that would like to start discussing race with children.

The Guardian: “Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race”

“A first person account by British journalist Reni Eddo-Lodge on the ways structural racism prevails today but how some white people refuse to see it. She explains why she will no longer be discussing this with people who won’t listen. The author talks about how people must first acknowledge that they benefit from structural racism and understand that color blindness is not the solution.”

The Guardian: “Confronting racism is not about the needs and feelings of white people”

“Short first person account by Ijeoma Oluo on how the discussion of racism needs to center around the voices of those who are marginalized. “

BBC: “The pervasive problem of ‘linguistic racism'”

“An examination of the privileges native English speakers (and English speakers with a native accent) hold from a native English speaker’s perspective.”

NPR: “Want to have better conversations about racism with your parents? Here’s how”

“An NPR article from the perspective of a biracial person with a white mother and father from West Africa. It explains how to have more complex, understanding discussions about racism with your parents.”

NMAAHC: “Being Antiracist”

This article explains the ways in which racism exists (individual, interpersonal, institutional, etc.). It also provides simple exercises for people to engage with and examine their own perspective.

Dear Asian Youth: “Mocking an Asian Accent is Never Funny”

“First person piece on why mocking an Asian accent is never funny from the website DearAsianYouth. This article talks about how mocking accents contributes to racism.”

Vox: “What exactly is a microaggression?”

“This article describes microaggressions and how they go beyond everyday slights or remarks, as well as the negative impact they have.”

The Seattle Times: “Adoption across races: ‘I know my parents love me, but they don’t love my people’”

“Adoptee Angela Tucker discusses how she felt like a racial impostor growing up. She explains that she may have looked Black, but didn’t feel that way.”

The Conversation: “Explainer: what is casual racism?”

“An explanation of everyday and more subtle forms of racism and the microaggressions that racial minorities face.”

NPR: “How ‘Ching Chong’ Became The Go-To Slur For Mocking East Asians”

A short article on the history and prevalence of a racist slur used against Asian people.

Vice: “Why People Still Laugh at Asian Accents: An Investigation”

“An explanation of the racism involved when people mock Asian accents, and the way Asian accents are still laughed at today.”

NCFA: “The Adoptive Parent’s Responsibility when Parenting a Child of a Different Race”

“An article by the National Council for Adoption on the different ways adoptive parents can and need to support their children. This specifically discusses the issues, privileges, and challenges of adopting a child of a different race. “

Adoptive Families: “How to Be an Anti-Racist Adoptive Parent”

An article on how to actively challenge racism and discuss privilege, especially in the context of a multiracial family.