Hannah Bouska

Hi there! My name is Hannah Bouska, and I’m a graduate from Colorado State University! Since graduating, I’ve been working hard at my job as a tenth grade English teacher and literacy specialist. I was adopted from Guangdong, China when I was seven months old and have been lucky enough to spend most of my life in Boulder, CO. In my free time, I love reading, spending time in the sun, listening to podcasts, going to the gym, playing soccer, and hanging out with my friends. I love cats, painting, SZA, and rescuing worms from the sidewalk after rain.

I’ve been involved in Adopteen since my first conference in 2015 (San Diego, baby!) and was lucky enough to attend the Adoptees Giving Back Orphanage Service Trip in 2019. This summer, I’m most excited to return to a leadership role in a community that is near and dear to my heart. Most of all, I hope to be the type of role model I needed when I was a teen and to create a loving, positive community for young people in the adoption community.