Categories “Haitian Scholarship Funding”

From, this source gives a list of 3 scholarships that are relevant to individuals who are of Haitian descent. More information is given in their descriptions Scholarships by Ethnicity

Filtered from, this source is students who are looking for scholarship opportunities that are based on their ethnicity. You can filter through region and country.

Asian Pacific Fund: Apply for Scholarships

The Asian Pacific Fund offers a wide range of scholarships with varying recipient amounts and qualifications.

Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption: “FRUA’s Annual Scholarship Program for HS Seniors, College & Vocational Students”

Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption offers three different scholarships. In order to access required qualifications and submit your application, a current family membership with FRUA is required.

Family Resource Center on Disabilities: “Scholarships”

The Family Resource Center on Disabilities offers this list of scholarships that are available for “people with disabilities and come from foundations, organizations, or a broad range of other committed providers. The scholarships are open to all college students with disabilities, including students with learning disabilities.”

College Consensus: “35 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities”

College Consensus offers a list of 35 scholarships for students with disabilities. An applicant will generally need proof of a disability before they can find scholarships, financial aid for students with disabilities, or anything offering free tuition. The nature of disability plays a strong role in what kind of aid will be available.

Scholarships360: “Top 75 Scholarships for Disabled Students in September 2023”

Scholarships360 lists 79 scholarships for disabled students in 2023, and a majority are college related. The descriptions include the title, amount, deadline, and application link. Disability Scholarships

This article gives a brief history of the Americans with Disabilities, details about scholarships, and a list of possible scholarships. Scholarships listed have a name, deadline, amount, and summary.

Haiti Scholarships

From Haiti Scholarships, an organization geared towards Haitian Scholars who currently live in Haiti, this source gives some scholarship resources to Haitians who live in the U.S. There are about 5 sources to read about.

Supportiv: “Mental Health Resources For Disabled People”

This is an ever-growing menu of free resources and ideas for maintaining health with a disability. It discusses insurance, therapy, government programs, and nature programs.

Therapy for Black Girls

Therapy for Black Girls is “an online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls.” The site includes a search directory tool where users are able to search for therapists with filters including location, issue, and whether or not virtual therapy is provided. It also offers podcasts, a blog, and the option to join the site’s community.

Mental Health America: “Black and African American Communities and Mental Health”

Mental Health America is a resource “driven by its commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all.” The site includes statistics and examples on what Black and African American people face in regards to mental health.

Psychology Today: Find a Family Therapy

Psychology Today is a search engine that allows the user to search by city, zip code, or name. Profiles display credentials, qualifications, client focus, if they offer online therapy, treatment approach, specializations, contact info, cost/accepted insurance info, and more. It is also possible to search by the issue patients are looking to treat.

Therapist Locator

A search engine that locates marriage and family therapists. Users can search using zip codes or a city name for therapists in the US, Canada, and other countries.

Counseling Directory: “Family therapy”

An article and a search engine combined, this resource addresses what family therapy is, what it can help, what occurs during it, and what systemic family therapy is. At the end of the page, users are able to search by what type of session they are looking for (online vs in person), as well as filter by zip code, town, and country.

Healthgrades: Family and Marriage Counselors Near Me

A search engine that allows users to search for family and marriage counselors by state, and view therapists profiles including ratings, testimonials, location, options for virtual therapy, background checks, and more. Users are also able to filter by doctors, conditions, or procedures.

OnlineTherapy: “Marriage and Family Therapist Online”

An article and search directory, this source discusses the decision to find a marriage and family therapist online and also links to a directory that allows users to filter by state. It is possible to search through 50 states and view profiles listing: years of experience, language, specialization, and bios.

Chris Massman (LMFT): “What to Look for in a Family Therapist”

This article provides an introduction to family therapy and offers advice for qualities to look for in a therapist, in therapy sessions, and how to make the best of it.

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM)

BEAM is a national training, movement building, and grant making institution that is dedicated to the healing, wellness, and liberation of Black and marginalized communities.

Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation

The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation was founded by actress Taraji P. Henson to offer “Black communities resources, connections and support needed to help break the silence and stigma around mental health.” Services include a directory of mental health providers and programs serving the African-American community, African American Cultural Competency training, a mental health scholarship fund, and more.


InnoPsych is dedicated to bringing “healing to communities of color by changing the face and feel of therapy.” Their goal is to make therapists of color more accessible. The search directory tool allows users to filter by location, specialty, service type, ethnicity, and insurance type.

The Guardian: “Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race”

“A first person account by British journalist Reni Eddo-Lodge on the ways structural racism prevails today but how some white people refuse to see it. She explains why she will no longer be discussing this with people who won’t listen. The author talks about how people must first acknowledge that they benefit from structural racism and understand that color blindness is not the solution.”

The Guardian: “Confronting racism is not about the needs and feelings of white people”

“Short first person account by Ijeoma Oluo on how the discussion of racism needs to center around the voices of those who are marginalized. “

Time: “The Realities of Raising a Kid of a Different Race”

“An article written by an adoptive mother on what every parent should know about transracial adoptions. This article is applicable to adoptees but centers around the Black adoptee experience growing up in a white household.”

Find Black Therapist

“This search engine searches for Black therapists throughout the United States. It is filterable by state, city, issues, telehealth, and includes a filter for adoption as well. However, their selection for adoptees is more limited. “

African Diaspora Mental Health Association (ADMH)

The African Diaspora Mental Health Association is an outpatient mental health clinic, registered and licensed in the state of Massachusetts. They offer many different mental health services including individual therapy, family therapy, bilingual services, couples therapy, and more. Resources for children, adults, and seniors can all be found here.

Safe Space Africa

Mental health educational products and therapy services for Africans on the continent and diaspora.

Black Mental Wellness

The mission of Black Mental Wellness, Corp. is to provide access to evidence-based information and resources about mental health and behavioral health topics from a Black perspective, to highlight and increase the diversity of mental health professionals, and to decrease the mental health stigma in the Black community. Their services include culturally inclusive mental health and wellness training, workshops specific to youth and children, and webinars on multiple different topics.

Vice: “Why People Still Laugh at Asian Accents: An Investigation”

“An explanation of the racism involved when people mock Asian accents, and the way Asian accents are still laughed at today.”

BBC: “The pervasive problem of ‘linguistic racism'”

“An examination of the privileges native English speakers (and English speakers with a native accent) hold from a native English speaker’s perspective.”

NPR: “Want to have better conversations about racism with your parents? Here’s how”

“An NPR article from the perspective of a biracial person with a white mother and father from West Africa. It explains how to have more complex, understanding discussions about racism with your parents.”

NMAAHC: “Being Antiracist”

This article explains the ways in which racism exists (individual, interpersonal, institutional, etc.). It also provides simple exercises for people to engage with and examine their own perspective.

Dear Asian Youth: “Mocking an Asian Accent is Never Funny”

“First person piece on why mocking an Asian accent is never funny from the website DearAsianYouth. This article talks about how mocking accents contributes to racism.”

Vox: “What exactly is a microaggression?”

“This article describes microaggressions and how they go beyond everyday slights or remarks, as well as the negative impact they have.”

The Conversation: “Explainer: what is casual racism?”

“An explanation of everyday and more subtle forms of racism and the microaggressions that racial minorities face.”

NPR: “Microaggressions are a big deal: How to talk them out and when to walk away”

“Podcast and interview with Kevin Nadal on microaggressions and how their impact is not “micro.”” Nadal also has his own website with books on microaggressions and other subjects.”

NPR: “Microaggressions: Be Careful What You Say”

“An 8 minute NPR podcast that explains microagressions and how sometimes “”because people are good, moral – experience themselves as good, moral, decent individuals, they find it very difficult to accept the fact that they have been engaged in a discriminatory action, or may harbor racial biases that they have. And it violates, in some sense, their sense of being a good person.”” “

NPR: “How ‘Ching Chong’ Became The Go-To Slur For Mocking East Asians”

A short article on the history and prevalence of a racist slur used against Asian people.

MTV Impact: “If Microaggressions Happened to White People”

A 3 minute YouTube video highlighting the microaggressions people of color deal with everyday.

Adoption Mosaic

“Adoption Mosaic’s vision is to build bridges with adoption communities for forward-thinking dialogue on adoption-related topics while offering support and education to those who are learning what it means to be a part of the adoption constellation. The Adoption Mosaic mission is to connect, honor, and serve the adoption constellation through innovation in education, practices, and support services.”

NCFA: “Using Accurate Adoption Language”

” A short, introductory article on word replacement suggestions for words relating to adoption. Instead of words that may be considered inaccurate or inadequate, this article offers alternatives. “

Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition New York: “Racism and Microaggressions in Transracial Adoption”

“This page discusses racism and microaggressions that can be found in transracial adoption. It is part of a broader resource page on the above topic located on the Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of NY website. “

Rhonda M. Roorda, MA

“Roordaa identifies as a transracial adoptee, and was adopted out of the New York system into a white American family. She has published multiple books on the Black American experience as an adoptee and is an international speaker that can be booked to speak. “

BuzzFeed News: “What A Black Woman Wishes Her Adoptive White Parents Knew”

An essay from the first person perspective of a Black transracial adoptee. The author discusses the racial dynamics in a family with transracial adoption.