
Adoptee Hub

“””Our mission is to connect, collaborate, and preserve adoption legacies through community, culture, and post-adoption services. Adoptees deserve the opportunity to know their history, have a sense of belonging, experience their birth culture, and have access to services in a supportive safe space throughout their adoption journey.” “

Chinese Adoptee Alliance (CAA)

FCC is a nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and their families and friends. Founded in the early 1990s in Manhattan as a parent support group, and expanding to a nation-wide network, our members include adoptive parents, Chinese adoptees and their siblings and other relatives, as well as friends of the organization.

China’s Children International (CCI)

“CCI is the first international support group created by and for Chinese adoptees. This is group is dedicated to empowering and connecting adult Chinese adoptees from around the world. They have a Facebook group, host zoom chats and have in person meetups. “

Korean Adoptees of Chicago (KAtCH)

This organization is for Korean adoptees in Chicago and is a private Facebook group. They offer community activities and is for adult Korean adoptees. They help provide services that support or are led by the Korean adoptee community.

Filipino Adoptees Network (FAN)

This is a network for Filipino adoptees dedicated to supporting, educating and promoting cultural awareness on adoption issues and preserving Filipino heritage. They are based in New York and host group events.

Sejong Cultural Education

This is a group for Korean adoptees of all ages and aims to foster a sense of Korean identity in adoptees. It is located in New York and offers three events. The Sejong camp for 6-16 year-olds, a Korea trip and a virtual gala.

Sae Jong Camp

This is a summer camp for Korean American children to explore their Korean American identities, learn about their Korean heritage and create friendships. It is located in Michigan and is a 6 day summer camp.

Kamp Kimchee

This is an inclusive Korean family camp that focuses on self-esteem, family education and identity. It is a one week camp for adoptees aged 4 years to 12th grade and their families. It is located in Minnesota.

Parents of Latin American Children: La Semana Family Culture Camp

This is a day camp for children adopted from Latin American countries. It is based in Minnesota and serves K-senior teens. They have different cultural activities as well as camp activities such as rock climbing and archery.

Yoffe Therapy

Yoffe Therapy, Inc. is a group psychotherapy practice composed of dedicated, compassionate clinicians brought together to serve the Adoption and Foster Care community in Los Angeles. Clinicians are seasoned professionals, Adoption and Foster Care competent, highly skilled at their craft, and focused on the growth and resiliency of their clients.

Unconditionally Adopted

Unconditionally Adopted offers many different types of therapy for children, youth, and young adults. This organization specializes in helping adoptive parents create long-lasting, trusting relationships with their children.

Willow Bay Therapy

Founder of Willow Bay Therapy, Joanna Kelly is certified in PACC. She is a Registered Play Therapist (RPT) and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) and her practice is adoption-competent.


PAC-UK is the country’s largest independent Adoption Support Agency. They offer a range of services including adoptive parent and career support, adult adoptee support, birth parent support, and more.

TherapyDen: Adoption Issues

Therapy Den is an online community of mental health professionals seeking to make the experience of finding a therapist easy by offering a search directory of therapists. They have a page full of professionals of varying credentials specializing in adoption.

Amanda Baden, PH.D.

Amanda Baden is am a Licensed Psychologist in New York City with a small practice in Manhattan. She specializes in work with those impacted by adoption but I also work with issues related to racial, cultural, and identity concerns.

I Am Adoptee

Curates an online community of mental health and wellness resources to help navigate the lived experience of being an intercountry adopted person.