
HRC: “How HIV Impacts LGBTQ People”

From the Human Rights Campaign, this source will most apply to and benefit those who seek to understand how HIV impacts LGBTQ People. The article gives an overview of what HIV is, how discrimination against LGBTQ ties in to HIV, how it is funded, and the work HRC is doing to move forward with current issues.

National Coalition for LGBTQ Health

The National Coalition for LGBTQ Health’s services can most apply to and benefit everyone in the LGBTQ Community. The coalition is “committed to improving the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals through federal and local advocacy, education, and research”. On the website you can explore their work regarding LGBTQ health and their resource page.


This organization offers ten counseling sessions at a reduced cost. Free sessions are also an option for people who cannot afford the fee. They have appointments 10am-6pm Monday through Friday. The counselors have competency training in LGBTQ2SAI+ and gender-diverse related issues, however there is a waitlist. This source is great for people who are in need of therapy and with diverse counselors.


This non-profit organization serves the South Asian LGBTQ community by promoting awareness, acceptance and empowerment through social, educational and advocacy-related events. You are able to volunteer for and attend their events and donate. They are based in Los Angeles, so this is a good organization for any LA based LGBTQ South Asians.


Outfest’s mission can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ+ community. It is known as, “The world’s largest LGBTQ+ film and media organization.” The organization holds several programs, projects, and events for artists with its film festivals as its focus.

Transgender Training Institute (TTI)

From the Transgender Training Institute, this article can apply to and most benefit those who want to better understand & be more affirming of Trans and NON-Binary people. This organization is made up a transgender and non-binary educators who “facilitate professional development and personal growth trainings.” It provides tailored training, webinars, and classes for individuals. Prices are ‘Pay What You Can” or sliding scale fee.

Academic Related: “20 Scholarships for People Who Have Lost a Parent 2023”

From Academic Related, this source is for students who may have lost a parent and are seeking financial support through scholarships. The article gives information on certain scholarships and explains why they are beneficial for students. 20 scholarships are listed here and answers to basic questions surrounding this topic are given. “20 Scholarships for First-Generation Students” has a list of scholarships intended for first-generation college students. There are 20 scholarships on this list, some may differ in terms of value or eligibility. On the webpage you can find more information and links to applications. “Haitian Scholarship Funding”

From, this source gives a list of 3 scholarships that are relevant to individuals who are of Haitian descent. More information is given in their descriptions

Great Value Colleges: “40 Great Scholarships for First-Generation College Students”

From Great Value Colleges, here is a list intended for first-generation college students who are looking for scholarships. There are 40 scholarships on this list, some may differ in terms of value or eligibility. On the webpage you can find more information and links to websites

U.S. News & World Report: “Scholarships for Students With a Deceased Parent”

From USA today, this source is for students who may have lost a parent and are seeking financial support through scholarships. The article gives information on certain scholarships and explains why they are beneficial for students.

Asian Pacific Fund: Apply for Scholarships

The Asian Pacific Fund offers a wide range of scholarships with varying recipient amounts and qualifications.

Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption: “FRUA’s Annual Scholarship Program for HS Seniors, College & Vocational Students”

Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption offers three different scholarships. In order to access required qualifications and submit your application, a current family membership with FRUA is required.

Family Resource Center on Disabilities: “Scholarships”

The Family Resource Center on Disabilities offers this list of scholarships that are available for “people with disabilities and come from foundations, organizations, or a broad range of other committed providers. The scholarships are open to all college students with disabilities, including students with learning disabilities.”

College Consensus: “35 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities”

College Consensus offers a list of 35 scholarships for students with disabilities. An applicant will generally need proof of a disability before they can find scholarships, financial aid for students with disabilities, or anything offering free tuition. The nature of disability plays a strong role in what kind of aid will be available.

Scholarships360: “Top 75 Scholarships for Disabled Students in September 2023”

Scholarships360 lists 79 scholarships for disabled students in 2023, and a majority are college related. The descriptions include the title, amount, deadline, and application link. Disability Scholarships

This article gives a brief history of the Americans with Disabilities, details about scholarships, and a list of possible scholarships. Scholarships listed have a name, deadline, amount, and summary.

Haiti Scholarships

From Haiti Scholarships, an organization geared towards Haitian Scholars who currently live in Haiti, this source gives some scholarship resources to Haitians who live in the U.S. There are about 5 sources to read about. Scholarships by Ethnicity

Filtered from, this source is students who are looking for scholarship opportunities that are based on their ethnicity. You can filter through region and country.