- Adoptee Groups
ICAV: Adoptee Led Groups
Intercountry Adoptee Voices (ICAV) mission is to educate, support, connect, collaborate, galvanize and give voice to intercountry adoptees from around the world. They include a list of organizations that can be sorted based on those specific to country of origin, and those all inclusive for adoptees of any country.
- Adoptee Groups
Meetup: Adoptees
Meetup Adoptee is a location based search directory for adoptees looking for support groups. Each profile includes a location, contact information, events, and photos from the group. It also includes a list of the largest adoptee groups.
- Mental Health
Trust Based Relationship Intervention (TBRI) Search Therapy Engine
A TBRI practitioner directory featuring professionals who specialize in treating traumatized children.
- Mental Health
Latinx Therapy
A Latinx therapy directory for users looking for therapists with diverse backgrounds and specialties (cultural identities, migration backgrounds, LGBTQ+).
- Mental Health
Inclusive Therapists
A search directory for therapists where users are able to filter by therapists characteristics, including age, ethnicity, gender identity, and more (African diaspora, transgender, two spirit, migrant/immigrant, LGBTQ+, etc.).
- Mental Health
Grow Beyond Words Adoptee Therapist Directory
“This directory includes licensed U.S. mental health professionals who identify as adoptees & work with adoptees/adoptive families in a variety of public & private settings”
- Mental Health
Florida Department of Children and Families
A compilation of adoption resources in Florida.
- Mental Health
Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare
A search directory of Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate (PACC) certified therapists located throughout Minnesota.
- Mental Health
UCONN Health Adoption Community Network Therapy Directory
The purpose of the Adoption Community Network (ACN) Therapist Directory is to identify local clinicians who indicate special training to work with adoptive families in Connecticut.