
CCI Birth Parent Searching and Reunion Group

This Facebook group aims to provide information, resources, and encouragement for adult Chinese adoptees who are seeking to find their birth family or are currently in reunion. They also have a confidential discussion forum for any questions or experiences that are wanting to be shared.

Find Birth Parents, Siblings, Adoptees and Family

This is a Facebook group that helps domestic adoptees find and reunite with lost relatives, adoptees, birth parents, and siblings.

Korean Adoptees searching for their birth families

This is a Facebook group for Korean adoptees who are searching for their birth families. It is open to all Korean adoptees to publish any photos and information about their adoption. There are also subgroups that are closed Facebook groups.

Chile Adoption Birth Family Search

The Chile Adoption Birth Family Search Facebook group is for “ Helping Chilean adoptees to search for their birth families in Chile and reconnect with their birth families” As of 2020 they celebrated 10 years of searches and as of 2019 they celebrated 300 cases.

American Adoptions: “Your Adoption Relationships”

This source is a starting point for adoptees who want to understand their relationships. Some of these guides are about friends, reunion, attachment theory, and more. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees seeking guidance in understanding and approaching relationships.

DNA Testing for Asian Adoptees

From GenePeace DNA Consulting, this document serves as a guide on DNA testing. This document can apply to and most benefit those who are interested in exploring how “DNA can be used specifically for people of Asian ancestry, including Asian international adoptees and adoptees of mixed Asian heritage (domestic or internationally adopted). “ This guide is packed with information and suggests additional resources.

The Nanchang Project: “Chinese Adoptee DNA”

From the Nanchang Project facebook page, this infographic is a flow chart about Chinese adoptee DNA. This source can apply to and most benefit Chinese adoptees who are overwhelmed by all the places you can add DNA.


GedMatch offers a free DNA site built for genetic genealogy research. The website mentions that it may attempt to alert you if information is needed legally. GedMatch also offers you opportunities to engage in forums, this information may also not be protected. This source can apply to and most benefit Chinese adoptees who are interested in exploring their DNA.

Journey Across Forever – China Birth Parent Search Group

Journey Across Forever is a closed group for adoptive parents with children from China who are searching for birth parents, foster parents, finders, etc. There are networking resources, steps to take when searching, and other resources that provide information on the process.

Research-China is an informational website detailing the sociopolitical circumstances of China starting from the causes of the One Child Policy up to recent happenings that affect adoption or are a direct cause of it. It features an adoptive father’s experience with his adoption and helping his daughters conduct a birth family search. This resource is for those interested in the politics behind adoption and its history.

The Roots of Love

The Roots of Love is a Chinese adoptee family reunion project with multiple professional searchers on location. They offer free DNA testing to potential birth relatives and share birth relative contact info for free. This organization would best benefit Chinese adoptees actively searching for birth family.

Birth Family Search Russia

Birth Family Search Russia is a organization created by by Denis M. Rybakov who is dedicated to birth searches. He has undertaken more than 600 birth family searches all over Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and more. He is a member of the Moscow Bar Association. This source can apply to and most benefit Russian adoptees who are interested in birth family search.

Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston

The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston’s Birth Family Search Process for Adoptee’s webpage gives steps and information on how to do a birth family search. Official paperwork in PDF format is available and a flow chart is also accessible to the public. This source can apply to and most benefit Korean adoptees who are interested in birth family search.

International Child Search Alliance (ICSA)

The International Child Search Alliance (ICSA) is a “ all-volunteer international group of adoptees and adoptive parents founded in November 2018.” They offer reliable information and promote awareness in China of adoptees’ desire to know their birth families. This source applies to and most benefit Chinese adoptees who are interested in birth family search.

Chilean Adoptees Worldwide

Chilean Adoptees Worldwide is a platform for Chilean Adoptees, all over the world. The organization strives to bring awareness/connect with adoptees and birth families in Chile. Birth family search is a big part of their work and offers a secure space where adoptees can upload their adoption documents. This source can apply to and most benefit Chilian adoptees, their families, and their birth families.

Bao Bei Hui Jia

Bao Bei Hui Jia is a Chinese birth family searching site where you can post searching posters for free. You can provide information like birthday, missing time, family seeker characterization, possible memories, etc. This site is for Chinese adoptees or adoptive parents searching on behalf of their child.

CCI (China’s Children International): Searching Resources

CCI’s Birth Parent Search and Reunion Resource Guide is a compilation of birth family searching resources for Chinese adoption community, offering various tips, strategies, platforms, etc. This source is for people of the Chinese adoption community interested in birth family searching.

Nanchang Project

The Nanchang Project is a program dedicated to creating a community and resources (DNA testing, searching) for Chinese adoptees searching for birth family. They provide a space to connect, educate, and support the community. This resource best benefits Chinese adoptees searching for birth family or parents searching on behalf of their children

ICAV: Adoptee Led Groups

Intercountry Adoptee Voices (ICAV) mission is to educate, support, connect, collaborate, galvanize and give voice to intercountry adoptees from around the world. They include a list of organizations that can be sorted based on those specific to country of origin, and those all inclusive for adoptees of any country.

Meetup: Adoptees

Meetup Adoptee is a location based search directory for adoptees looking for support groups. Each profile includes a location, contact information, events, and photos from the group. It also includes a list of the largest adoptee groups.

Considering Adoption: “Adoptee Support Groups”

A list of adoptee support groups that includes subcategories of general adoptee support groups, international adoptee support groups, foster care adoptee support groups, and person of color (POC) adoptee support groups. The article also includes various other adoptee support and resources.

Angela Tucker

Angela Tucker is an author, a podcaster, a film producer and has gained a reputation for being a national thought leader on the intersectional topics of race, class, and identity. She was adopted from foster care to a white family, and grew up in a city that was predominantly white. She has 15+ years of working in social welfare organizations, has consulted with NBC’s This Is Us, and supported the lead actor of Broadway musical Jagged Little Pill. Her first book is scheduled for publication in the spring of 2023 (Beacon Press).

International Child Search Alliance (ICSA)

ICSA is an all-volunteer international group of adoptees and adoptive parents offering multiple sources of information to help adoptees from China search for their birth families. Advice is given on ‘Getting Started’, ‘Hiring a Searcher’, ‘Birth Parents Searching for Children’, and more. There is also How-To-Guides that include DNA testing, using the app WeChat, Joining a Province Search, visiting the CCCWA, and more.

NCFA: Internships

A link that brings you to the NCFA Internship application. This is an unpaid internship located in Virginia.

American Adoptions: “The Truth About Adopted Adults and Relationship Issues”

“An article explaining that although not many studies have been conducted on adoptees and trauma, many adoptees feel they have relationship issues tracing back to their adoption.”

UCONN Health Adoption Community Network Therapy Directory

The purpose of the Adoption Community Network (ACN) Therapist Directory is to identify local clinicians who indicate special training to work with adoptive families in Connecticut.

Center for Adoption Support and Education: About TAC

An article explaining Training for Adoption Competency (TAC) which is commonly used by mental health practitioners.

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare: PACC

The PACC (Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate) was developed to increase the availability and competency of a professional workforce to serve clinical and practical needs for adopted individuals and their families.