- Community Connection
Adoption Identity Race Exploration (AIRE)
AIRE was created out of the need for an inclusive space for BIPOC adoptees (of all genders, identities, and experiences) to build and collaborate. AIRE also offers holistic emotional and spiritual counseling and partners with other organizations to provide consultations about programming, curriculum development, and workshop planning.
- Community Connection
Asian Girls Ignite
This nonprofit organization provides educational programs for AANHPI (Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander) youth who want to celebrate their individual and collective power.
- Race Education
Child Mind Institute: “Trauma & Grief”
This webpage features countless articles about the basics of recognizing and addressing trauma in children. It includes topics like the effects, causes, and treatments of trauma and grief. It also includes some common traumatic diagnoses and how trauma affects children in academic settings.
- Race Education
CNN: “How to talk to your children about protests and racism”
This article explains how to discuss racism and protests with children. The article breaks down how to lead discussions by age group (toddler, tweens, teens).
- Race Education
EmbraceRace: “‘I [STILL] Can’t Breathe!’: Supporting Kids of Color Amid Racialized Violence”
This conversation and Q&A led by child psychologist Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith explores policing, violence, safety, justice, and race. She also considers how to approach conversations with children of color about institutional and racial violence.
- Race Education
Today: “What Black adoptees want white parents to know about transracial adoption”
This article features the voices of Black adults who were adopted by white families. The adoptees share their perspectives on identity, culture, and their sense of belonging.
- Race Education
RESilience: Books About Race and Ethnicity
This is a directory of books about race, organized by age. It features books for young children, elementary school-age children, teens, and adults, as well as additional resources and links about race and culture.
- Race Education
The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC): “I Am a Parent or Caregiver”
The NMAAHC’s purpose is to help children understand what race is, how it operates in society, and why it’s important (particularly in the US). This article is specifically for parents and caregivers who want their child(ren) to form a healthy racial identity, learn how to support complex racial problems in children, and speak out against racial inequity.
- Race Education
“Daddy Why Am I Brown?”: A healthy conversation about skin color and family
This is a children’s book meant to start a conversation about how kids can learn to talk about skin color in a way that’s kind, thoughtful, and healthy. It’s also meant to help children understand the difference between race, ethnicity, and culture.
- Race Education
Resilience – “Reading and RES: Parent Tip Tool: Choosing and Using Books to Discuss Race and Ethnicity”
This brief article explains how reading books with your child is a key way to start and continue conversations about race and ethnicity. It also discusses why books are a good medium, the importance of conversations about race, and tips for how to choose appropriate books for your child.
- Race Education
Beynd the Golden Rule
This illustrated book serves as a parent’s guide to preventing and responding to prejudice. This book explores how to discuss racism and tolerance depending on the age of the child.
- Race Education
American Academy of Pediatrics: “Talking to Children About Racial Bias”
This article explains how children learn racial bias, strategies to help children deal with these biases, and how parents can confront their own racial biases. The article also features tips for talking about racism and racial differences by age (preschool, grade school, etc.) and additional resources about discrimination.
- Race Education
RESilience – Engaging My Child: “Parent Tip Tool: Uplifting Families Through Healthy Communication About Race”
This is a brief parent tip tool that explains what RES (racial and ethnic socialization)is, who participates in RES, and suggestions for engaging in RES.
- Race Education
ChildTrends: “Resources to Support Children’s Emotional Well-Being Amid Anti-Black Racism, Racial Violence, and Trauma”
This article discusses how to talk to children about racism, racial violence, and trauma. It also features books and other resource compilations for parents and caregivers about how to discuss race and racism with children.
- Race Education
National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI)
This institute is dedicated to improving the quality of life for Black children and families. NBDCI engages in public discourse for local, state, and federal policies in order to amplify the strengths and needs of Black children and families.
- Race Education
American Psychological Association RESilience – “Resources for Parents: Uplifting Youth Through Healthy Communication About Race”
This website features tip tools, books, blogs, and other resources about creating healthy and safe conversations about race between children and parents. This initiative focuses on RES (racial and ethnic socialization), the process by which children learn about race.
- Race Education
Online MSW Programs with edX: “How to Teach Kids About Race”
This article discusses how to teach children about the concepts of race, privilege, and racial and ethnic socialization (RES). Though this resource is primarily for social work students, it may be relevant to any adults that would like to start discussing race with children.
- Race Education
CNN – “Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism”
CNN’s Van Jones and Erica Hill partnered with Sesame Street to produce this town hall for kids and families. This short video explains racism and political responses to racism in a way that’s suitable for families and young children.
Gladney University – reFRAMED Bonus: “Continuing the Conversation with Ebony Mack, MSW”
This conversation is a continuation of the discussion “Bridging the Gap: Strengthening Competencies of Transracial Adoptive Parents” led by Ebony Mack. This training considers many different questions about transracial adoption and racial identity.
- Race Education
Gladney University – Bridging the Gap: “Competencies of Transracial Adoptive Parents”
A presentation led by Ebony Mack (MSW, adoptee, adoptive parent, and more) about white parents who have adopted transracially. Mack discusses how they (parents) often learn about the cultural differences between their own norms and that of their children’s as these differences collide.
- Mental Health
Psychology Today
Psychology Today is a media outlet that publicizes literature and resources about behavioral science and mental health. This directory in particular offers detailed listings for mental health professionals in the United States that are adoption-competent.
- Mental Health
Beyond Words Psychological Services
This LLC, established by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker, offers a directory of professional (medical and mental health) resources in the Denver Metro Area. Dr. Wirta-Leiker specializes in issues of race, identity, societal expectaion, family relationships, and adoption.
- Medical Needs
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Cerebral Palsy Guide is a resource dedicated to providing educational materials, financial resources, and support options for families affected by cerebral palsy and other birth injuries. This page specifically discusses therapies, medications, surgeries, and more, that are relevant to cerebral palsy and birth injuries.
- Medical Needs
Mesothelioma Hope
Mesothelioma Hope has long provided free mesothelioma resources about treatments, specialists, financial assistance, and more. This page particularly focuses on helping families discuss cancer diagnoses and treatments with their children. They have information about support groups, online forums, and examples of how to talk about mesothelioma with children.
- Birth Family Search
CCI Birth Parent Searching and Reunion Group
This Facebook group aims to provide information, resources, and encouragement for adult Chinese adoptees who are seeking to find their birth family or are currently in reunion. They also have a confidential discussion forum for any questions or experiences that are wanting to be shared.
- Birth Family Search
Find Birth Parents, Siblings, Adoptees and Family
This is a Facebook group that helps domestic adoptees find and reunite with lost relatives, adoptees, birth parents, and siblings.
- Birth Family Search
Birth Parents Only: Our Journey to Heal
This Facebook group was formed for birth parents. It is a place to confidently and confidentially share thoughts and feelings with others that can understand, no matter what stage the person is. It is a group free of judgement that aims for people to come together and learn from each other.
- Birth Family Search
Parents of Boys Adopted From China
This is a closed Facebook group that is for adoptive parents of boys adopted from China. It is a place of support and connection for parents, as well as for those who are processing and waiting to adopt their own son from China. It is also open to college aged/older males adopted from China.
- Community Connection
GLADNEY Center for Adoption: “What Do Adoptees Wish People Knew about Them?”
This article explains a few things that adoptees would like others to know about them. It describes how adoptees are similar to everyone else, how they are different, and encourages people to not assume things about adoption. This source can apply to and most benefit those who don’t know much about adoption but would like to learn further about it.
- Community Connection
American Adoptions: “Your Adoption Relationships”
This source is a starting point for adoptees who want to understand their relationships. Some of these guides are about friends, reunion, attachment theory, and more. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees seeking guidance in understanding and approaching relationships.
- Birth Family Search
FamilyTree DNA is a well known genetic testing company and is a division of Gene by Gene. According to the website “Founded in 2000, FamilyTreeDNA pioneered the field of genetic genealogy—the use of DNA testing to establish relationships between individuals and determine ancestry. As leaders in the industry, we provide advanced technology for users to gain further insight into their family history—all with a simple swab of DNA.” The company also makes an effort to protect your information. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are interested in exploring their DNA.
- Birth Family Search
MyHeritage is another genealogy platform. According to the website “ We search for people whose DNA matches yours: your relatives. Our DNA Matching technology reveals the percentage of DNA you share with your matches, showing you how closely related you are. You can connect with your newly found relatives to learn more about your family and discover shared ancestors.” The company also makes an effort to protect your information. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are interested in exploring their DNA.
- Birth Family Search
WeGene is a Chinese DNA company. According to the website “The WeGene Personal Genome Service test includes genetic health risk reports. The test uses qualitative genotyping to detect select clinically relevant variants in the genomic DNA of adults from saliva for the purpose of reporting and interpreting genetic health risks.” The company doesn’t disclose its privacy policy. This source can apply to and most benefit Chinese adoptees who are interested in exploring their DNA.
- Birth Family Search
GedMatch offers a free DNA site built for genetic genealogy research. The website mentions that it may attempt to alert you if information is needed legally. GedMatch also offers you opportunities to engage in forums, this information may also not be protected. This source can apply to and most benefit Chinese adoptees who are interested in exploring their DNA.
- Birth Family Search
China Family Search
China Family Search is a resource page for those in the Chinese adoption community interested in birth family searching. It offers information and resources for both the adoptive parent and the adoptee. This source would be a good starting point for Chinese adoptees interested in searching and their parent.
- Birth Family Search
Journey Across Forever – China Birth Parent Search Group
Journey Across Forever is a closed group for adoptive parents with children from China who are searching for birth parents, foster parents, finders, etc. There are networking resources, steps to take when searching, and other resources that provide information on the process.
- Birth Family Search
Research-China.org is an informational website detailing the sociopolitical circumstances of China starting from the causes of the One Child Policy up to recent happenings that affect adoption or are a direct cause of it. It features an adoptive father’s experience with his adoption and helping his daughters conduct a birth family search. This resource is for those interested in the politics behind adoption and its history.
- Birth Family Search
China DNA
China DNA is a group that does DNA analysis to help adoptees connect to their Chinese ancestry, genealogy, and heritage.
- Birth Family Search
The Roots of Love
The Roots of Love is a Chinese adoptee family reunion project with multiple professional searchers on location. They offer free DNA testing to potential birth relatives and share birth relative contact info for free. This organization would best benefit Chinese adoptees actively searching for birth family.
- Birth Family Search
China – Birthparent search
Birthparent Search is a Facebook group for Chinese adoptees, adoptive parents of Chinese adoptees, and other close relatives of Chinese adoptees. The goal of this group is to provide support and resources for finding birthparents in China.
- Birth Family Search
Birth Family Search Russia
Birth Family Search Russia is a organization created by by Denis M. Rybakov who is dedicated to birth searches. He has undertaken more than 600 birth family searches all over Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and more. He is a member of the Moscow Bar Association. This source can apply to and most benefit Russian adoptees who are interested in birth family search.
- Birth Family Search
Family Ties: Chinese Adoptee Birth Family Search
Family Ties is a Facebook group that offers guidance and support for people searching for birth families in China. This is NOT an advocacy group and is a platform solely for searching, guidance, and support.
- Birth Family Search
Korea Adoption Services
Korea Adoption Services’s “Searching for Adoptees” webpage is for birth families searching for their biological children. For adoptees searching for their birth families, there is an additional page called “Searching for Birth Family.” KAS offers post-adoption services, too. The posted story will be translated in Korean and get posted on a Family Search board of Korean webpage as well. This source can apply to and most benefit Korean adoptees or birth families who want to search for one another.
- Birth Family Search
Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston
The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston’s Birth Family Search Process for Adoptee’s webpage gives steps and information on how to do a birth family search. Official paperwork in PDF format is available and a flow chart is also accessible to the public. This source can apply to and most benefit Korean adoptees who are interested in birth family search.
- Birth Family Search
International Child Search Alliance (ICSA)
The International Child Search Alliance (ICSA) is a “ all-volunteer international group of adoptees and adoptive parents founded in November 2018.” They offer reliable information and promote awareness in China of adoptees’ desire to know their birth families. This source applies to and most benefit Chinese adoptees who are interested in birth family search.
- Birth Family Search
Chilean Adoptees Worldwide
Chilean Adoptees Worldwide is a platform for Chilean Adoptees, all over the world. The organization strives to bring awareness/connect with adoptees and birth families in Chile. Birth family search is a big part of their work and offers a secure space where adoptees can upload their adoption documents. This source can apply to and most benefit Chilian adoptees, their families, and their birth families.
- Birth Family Search
DNA Testing for Asian Adoptees
From GenePeace DNA Consulting, this document serves as a guide on DNA testing. This document can apply to and most benefit those who are interested in exploring how “DNA can be used specifically for people of Asian ancestry, including Asian international adoptees and adoptees of mixed Asian heritage (domestic or internationally adopted). “ This guide is packed with information and suggests additional resources.
The Nanchang Project: “Chinese Adoptee DNA”
From the Nanchang Project facebook page, this infographic is a flow chart about Chinese adoptee DNA. This source can apply to and most benefit Chinese adoptees who are overwhelmed by all the places you can add DNA.
- Birth Family Search
23&Me is a popular genetic testing service. The website states, “Your genetic data is analyzed, and we generate your personalized reports based on well-established scientific and medical research.” The company also makes an effort to protect your information. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are interested in exploring their DNA.
- Birth Family Search
Ancestry DNA
Ancestry DNA is a popular genealogy company. According to the website “AncestryDNA® gives you much more than just the places you’re from. With clear-cut historical insights and rich geographic details, we connect you to the places in the world where your story started – and you might even discover living relatives.” The company also makes a effort to protect your information. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are interested in exploring their DNA.
- Birth Family Search
In this short youtube documentary (link to full TV documentary is in the description), an adoptee shares her experience of going to China to search for her birth family. She explains the controversies surrounding her choice and encourages others to search for their birth families.This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are wondering about an experience like this.
- Birth Family Search
Bao Bei Hui Jia
Bao Bei Hui Jia is a Chinese birth family searching site where you can post searching posters for free. You can provide information like birthday, missing time, family seeker characterization, possible memories, etc. This site is for Chinese adoptees or adoptive parents searching on behalf of their child.
- Birth Family Search
CCI (China’s Children International): Searching Resources
CCI’s Birth Parent Search and Reunion Resource Guide is a compilation of birth family searching resources for Chinese adoption community, offering various tips, strategies, platforms, etc. This source is for people of the Chinese adoption community interested in birth family searching.
- Birth Family Search
Nanchang Project
The Nanchang Project is a program dedicated to creating a community and resources (DNA testing, searching) for Chinese adoptees searching for birth family. They provide a space to connect, educate, and support the community. This resource best benefits Chinese adoptees searching for birth family or parents searching on behalf of their children
Creating a Family: “Adopting or Fostering a Child Who Identifies as LGBTQ”
This is a $20 course for adoptive or foster parents on providing a healthy environment to discuss emotional topics with LGBTQ+ youth. It is hosted by the Clinical Director of the Modern Family Center at Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children. It covers topics such as cultural sensitivity, mental health and some issues for the LGBTQ+ community that parents need to be aware of.
Center for American Progress (CAP): “Welcoming All Families”
This is a report that talks about discrimination against LGBTQ foster and adoptive parents. It explains that religious exemptions allow agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ parents and how that reduces the families available to adopt, overburdens the child welfare system, and hurts the best interests of children. .
Movement Advancement Project (MAP): “Child Welfare Nondiscrimination Laws”
This is a map of child welfare nondiscrimination laws in the United States. You can click on it by state and it will provide quick facts as well as laws and policies. These policies concern foster care, adoption, second and stepparents, and LGBTQ youth in child welfare. This can be used for anyone in the United States who are looking to foster or adopt and is curious to know about the laws of certain states.
National Library of Medicine: “Achieving permanency for LGBTQ youth”
This is an article that talks about achieving permanence for youth in out-of-home care and meeting the needs of LGBTQ youth. It offers models of permanence and practices to facilitate permanence with LGBTQ youth and their families. It also provides resources for those who cannot return home as well as cultural issues that affect permanency. This is a great article for those raising LGBTQ youth.
Taylor & Frances: Online Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services
This is an online journal that publishes empircal knowledge and conceptual information related to sexual minorities and their social environment. It’s filled with innovative ideas and resources for the design, evaluation, and delivery for social services for these populations at all stages of life. All articles in this journal have undergone anonymous double-blind peer review.
APA PsycNet: “Basic premises, guiding principles and competent practices for a positive youth development approach to working with gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths in out-of-home care”
This article explores a youth development perspective for working with LGBTQ youths in out-of-home care. The article discusses 5 core premises defining the practices to promote youth development. A model is also offered for creating an environment where LGBTQ individuals can meet their personal and social needs and develop competencies.
NPR It’s Been a Minute: “Joel Kim Booster on making a queer, Asian American ‘Pride and Prejudice'”
This is a podcast by gay Korean adoptee Joel Kim Booster (comedian and actor). This episode explores how the film Fire Island honors queer friendships, subverts heteronormative themes, and tells a story which feels universal.
- Adoptee Groups
This is a support group for families and adoptees in the UK who have completed international adoption. They have in-person meetups as well as social media connections.
- Birth Family Search
NPR: “I Found My Birth Mother. It Didn’t Rock My Life — And That’s OK”
This is a short narrative story about an adoptee’s experience of meeting her birth mother and her feelings about it. This story can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are wondering about an experience like this. It is important to remember that this short story is not meant to be discouraging but comes from a rather realistic point of view.
- Birth Family Search
In blog format, an adoptee writes about her adoption experience and the experience of reuniting with her birth mother. This source has a lot of insight into how the experience has impacted the adoptee and how some people integrate their lives with both their adoptive and birth families.
- Birth Family Search
A Family in China
An archive of a podcast that discusses the searching journey in multiple perspectives (adoptees, birth parents, & searchers). This source can apply to and most benefit those who are invested in learning more about this topic.
- Birth Family Search
Nikwi Hoogland
In an Instagram page in blog-like format, this source offers a personal look at an adoptee’s thoughts and experiences surrounding her identity and reunion experience. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are wondering about an experience like this.
This non-profit organization serves the South Asian LGBTQ community by promoting awareness, acceptance and empowerment through social, educational and advocacy-related events. You are able to volunteer for and attend their events and donate. They are based in Los Angeles, so this is a good organization for any LA based LGBTQ South Asians.
PFLAG NYC: API Parents & Caregivers Group
This group meets twice a month for a lunchtime discussion for API parents and caregivers whose children are part of the LGBTQ+ community. They are based in New York City but have virtual meetings on zoom. They also have an events calendar for anyone who can or wants to attend. This is a parent resource for API parents who have LGBTQ+ children.
AsiaPacifiQueer: Rethinking Genders and Sexualities
This is an interdisciplinary essay collection which examines the shaping of local queer cultures in the Asian Pacific region in order to move beyond definitonis and understandings of sexuality and gender that rely on Western assumptions.
Creating a Family: “Tips for Raising an LGBTQ Foster or Adopted Child”
This website provides ten tips on raising LGBTQ foster or adopted kids, such as using your child’s preferred pronouns, using gender-neutral language, and letting them know you are willing to listen and talk about anything. This is a great resource for adoptive or foster parents of LGBTQ children.
Talkspace: “The History of the LGBTQ Community and Mental Health Treatment”
From TalkSpace.com, this source will most apply to and benefit those who are seeking information about the history of the LGBTQ community and mental health treatment. The article goes over an abbreviated history, how the LGBTQ identity came to be designated as a mental illness, conversion therapy history, ongoing conversations about gender, and current issues.
LGBT National Help Center Call Services
The LGBT National Help Center will most apply to and benefit LGBT folks who need free and confidential peer-support and local resources. The page has the numbers of hotlines, an online peer-support chat, weekly youth chat rooms, and a list of resources that serve throughout the country.
HRC: “How HIV Impacts LGBTQ People”
From the Human Rights Campaign, this source will most apply to and benefit those who seek to understand how HIV impacts LGBTQ People. The article gives an overview of what HIV is, how discrimination against LGBTQ ties in to HIV, how it is funded, and the work HRC is doing to move forward with current issues.
National Coalition for LGBTQ Health
The National Coalition for LGBTQ Health’s services can most apply to and benefit everyone in the LGBTQ Community. The coalition is “committed to improving the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals through federal and local advocacy, education, and research”. On the website you can explore their work regarding LGBTQ health and their resource page.
House of Rainbow
House of Rainbow’s services can most apply to and benefit LGBTQ+ people of color and faith. The organization works to combat religious homophobia and also validates LGBTQ religious individuals. It offers 1:1 support, group gatherings, and training workshops. On the website you can learn more about their services and the work they do.
Asian Pride Project
This organization celebrates LGBTQ individuals and API families and communities through artforms. It tells the stories of LGBTQ triumphs and struggles in the API community. These artforms include short films and videos, photography and written word. This source applies to the Asian and Asian American community and the LGBTQ community. It is a source you can just scroll through and look at on your own time.
Gay Asian Pacific Islander Men of New York (GAPIMNY)
This organization was founded in 1990 and is an all-volunteer community organization with the mission to empower queer and trans Asian Pacific Islanders to craete positive change. They provide a range of programs and work in coalition with other organizations to educate and promote dialogue about race, sexuality, gender, and health. This source applies to the API and LGBTQ community.
National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN)
This organization works to advance healing justice by transforming mental health for queer and trans people of color. They have lists of community and practitioner resources including crisis hotlines, as well as a therapy directory. This source is great for all minority communities and mental health services can be filtered by city or zip code. You can also request to join the directory as well.
This organization offers ten counseling sessions at a reduced cost. Free sessions are also an option for people who cannot afford the fee. They have appointments 10am-6pm Monday through Friday. The counselors have competency training in LGBTQ2SAI+ and gender-diverse related issues, however there is a waitlist. This source is great for people who are in need of therapy and with diverse counselors.
This is a registered non-profit organization for LGBTQ people of South Asian descent in the Bay Area (CA). It’s 100% volunteer-based and they’re always looking for volunteers. They also provide a Desi LGBTQ Helpline. They have two subgroups: Women of Trikone and Parents @ Trikone. They also have resources and events.Their mission is to unite people amd affirm their South Asian identity and sexual orientation.
San Francisco State University: Family Acceptance Project
From the Family Acceptance Project, this source will most apply to and benefit the LGBTQ+ community in the context of their families, cultures, or faith communities. The Family Support Model created was made to “prevent health risks, strengthen families, and build healthy futures for LGBTQ and gender diverse children and youth”. The organization is centered around research, intervention, education, and policy. You can download posters with more information on them.
Planned Parenthood: “What should I teach my high school-aged teen about identity?”
From Planned Parenthood, this source will most apply to and benefit the parents who want to teach their teenage children about identity. The source gives detailed explanations surrounding questions based on sexuality, safety, relationships, and more. Tips and additional resources are also included.
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
The Human Rights Campaign’s services can apply to and most benefit those who are part of the queer community or those who are strong allies that want to support. The mission of the organization is to “end discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and realize a world that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.” The webpage offers information on their campaigns/projects, articles and a resource page.
Rise Magazine: “Resources for LGBTQ Parents and Parents of LGBTQ Children and Youth”
From Rise Magazine, this article will most apply to and benefit the parents who are either LGBTQ+ or have LGBTQ+ children. The article explains the importance of acceptance and provides a list of resources
American Civil Liberties Union
ACLU (American Civil Liberites Union) can apply to and most benefit those who are part of the queer community and allies. The organization advocates for equality and has a long history of defending the LGBTQ+ community. On the website you can explore recent news, court cases, press releases, podcasts, reports, and more.
Johns Hopkins Medicine: “Tips for Parents of LGBTQ Youth”
From John Hopkins, this article will most apply to and benefit the parents who have LGBTQ+ children. In the article, Johns Hopkins pediatrics and adolescent medicine specialists share tips on how to provide support to LGBTQ+ children. The article also provides additional resources.
Stand with Trans
Stand With Trans is a source that can apply to and most benefit families and youth who are transitioning. The organization serves the trans community by empowering trans youth through LGBTQ+ affirming therapy, events/workshops, and support groups. On the webpage you can find many resources that will educate, inform, and support
The Trevor Project: “Behaviors of Supportive Parents and Caregivers for LGBTQ Youth”
From the Trevor Project, this article will most apply to and benefit the parents who have LGBTQ+ children. In the article it explores the behaviors of supportive parents and caregivers for LGBTQ youth and explains that supportive behaviors are associated with lower suicide risk among LGBTQ kids.
Gender Spectrum
Gender Spectrum is a source for anyone who is part of the queer community or would like to understand more about it. The organization works to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens. On the webpage you can find online consulting, groups, and plenty of resources.
Talkspace: “6 Ways to Support the Mental Health of Your LGBTQ Loved Ones”
From TalkSpace.com, this source will most apply to and benefit those who are seeking how to support the mental health of LGBTQ+ loved ones. The article goes over 6 important tips and gives detailed explanations. The source also gives additional resources
John Hopkins Medicine: Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity
From Johns Hopkins, the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity serves patients and families who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. The webpage offers resources for patients, families, students, staff, and faculty. The website is available in 31 languages through the language assistance program.
Bi.org is a source that can apply to and most benefit those who are bisexual, know a loved one who is, or just want to be educated. Its mission is to “connect bi people around the world and provide accurate, accessible, scientifically-sound information about (bi)sexuality.” The webpage is a project of the Bi Foundation or the American Institute of Bisexuality. On the webpage you can explore Bi people, resources, or get involved.
APA: “Understanding transgender people, gender identity and gender expression”
From the American Psychological Association, this article can apply to and benefit those who would like to educate themselves about the transgender identity. The pamphlet is available in several languages. It covers common questions, recommended readings, and related resources.
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
Parents and Families/Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is a source that can apply to and benefit the LGBTQ+ community. It is the “first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families.” On the webpage you can find support, information, and resources. There is also the PFLAG Chapter Network that has over 400 chapters across the country with 200,000 + members.
Free Mom Hugs
Free Mom Hugs is a source that can apply to and benefit the LGBTQ+ community. It is an organization that encourages education, visability, and conversation. On the webpage you can learn more about their education opportunities for everyone through speaking engagements, webinars, interactive discussions, and other programs. You can also search by state to find a chapter in your area.
The Real Mama Bears
Mama Bears is a source that can apply to and benefit the LGBTQ community. The organization supports, educates, and empowers families with LGBTQ members through its programing. It offers private online communities, resources, opportunities to advocate, regional Mama Bear groups, and numerous other methods of support.
University of Michigan Center for Sexuality & Health Disparities: “All About Gender”
From Henry Ford, this guide can apply to and most benefit parents who have transgender, questioning, gender expansive, gender nonconforming, or non-binary kids. The guide explains terms, answers common questions, addresses transitioning, and gives additional resources
PA Parent an Family Alliance
The PA Parent and Family Alliance LGBTQ+ Tip Sheet is a great resource that can most apply to and benefit parents who have a LGBTQ+ child. The guide goes over tips on what to do immediately following your child coming out, how to use terminology, and some reputable resources to continue your research.
healthychildren.org: “Coming Out: Information for Parents of LGBTQ Teens”
From Healthy Children. Org, this article will most apply to and benefit parents who have LGBTQ+ teens. The article gives explanations and tips to common questions. It also gives recommendations on what parents and families can do, along with more resources that are linked.
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): “Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents”
From the American Academy of Pediatrics, this source will most apply to and benefit pediatric providers or those who are interested in how pediatric providers are changing their approach to their LGBTQ+ patients. This academic article reviews “relevant concepts and challenges and provide suggestions for pediatric providers that are focused on promoting the health and positive development of youth that identify as TGD while eliminating discrimination and stigma.”