
American Psychological Association RESilience – “Resources for Parents: Uplifting Youth Through Healthy Communication About Race”

This website features tip tools, books, blogs, and other resources about creating healthy and safe conversations about race between children and parents. This initiative focuses on RES (racial and ethnic socialization), the process by which children learn about race.

The New York Times – “A Conversation on Race: A series of short films about identity in America”

This video project features countless different videos of people sharing their experiences with racism and racial identity. The site even welcomes readers to submit personal stories about their own experiences with racism and racial identity.

CNN – “Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism”

CNN’s Van Jones and Erica Hill partnered with Sesame Street to produce this town hall for kids and families. This short video explains racism and political responses to racism in a way that’s suitable for families and young children.

NPR It’s Been a Minute: “Joel Kim Booster on making a queer, Asian American ‘Pride and Prejudice'”

This is a podcast by gay Korean adoptee Joel Kim Booster (comedian and actor). This episode explores how the film Fire Island honors queer friendships, subverts heteronormative themes, and tells a story which feels universal.

Asian Pride Project

This organization celebrates LGBTQ individuals and API families and communities through artforms. It tells the stories of LGBTQ triumphs and struggles in the API community. These artforms include short films and videos, photography and written word. This source applies to the Asian and Asian American community and the LGBTQ community. It is a source you can just scroll through and look at on your own time.

Gender Spectrum

Gender Spectrum is a source for anyone who is part of the queer community or would like to understand more about it. The organization works to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens. On the webpage you can find online consulting, groups, and plenty of resources.


Outfest’s mission can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ+ community. It is known as, “The world’s largest LGBTQ+ film and media organization.” The organization holds several programs, projects, and events for artists with its film festivals as its focus.

MTV Impact: “If Microaggressions Happened to White People”

A 3 minute YouTube video highlighting the microaggressions people of color deal with everyday.