
American Psychological Association RESilience – “Resources for Parents: Uplifting Youth Through Healthy Communication About Race”

This website features tip tools, books, blogs, and other resources about creating healthy and safe conversations about race between children and parents. This initiative focuses on RES (racial and ethnic socialization), the process by which children learn about race.

The New York Times – “A Conversation on Race: A series of short films about identity in America”

This video project features countless different videos of people sharing their experiences with racism and racial identity. The site even welcomes readers to submit personal stories about their own experiences with racism and racial identity.

CNN – “Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism”

CNN’s Van Jones and Erica Hill partnered with Sesame Street to produce this town hall for kids and families. This short video explains racism and political responses to racism in a way that’s suitable for families and young children.

Closure (2013)

A trans-racial adoptee finds her birth mother, and meets the rest of her family who did not know she existed, including her birth father. This documentary explores themes such as identity, the complexities of trans-racial adoption, and closure.

Angela Tucker

Angela Tucker is an author, a podcaster, a film producer and has gained a reputation for being a national thought leader on the intersectional topics of race, class, and identity. She was adopted from foster care to a white family, and grew up in a city that was predominantly white. She has 15+ years of working in social welfare organizations, has consulted with NBC’s This Is Us, and supported the lead actor of Broadway musical Jagged Little Pill. Her first book is scheduled for publication in the spring of 2023 (Beacon Press).

Off and Running (2009)

Avery, an African-American adoptee and track star with white Jewish lesbians for parents and two other adopted siblings begins to become more curious about her roots. Her curiosity about her African-American heritage grows and she decides to contact her birth mother. Avery’s life turns into a crisis and struggles over her “true” identity, her isolation from Black culture, and the circumstances of her adoption.