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American Adoptions: “Your Adoption Relationships”

This source is a starting point for adoptees who want to understand their relationships. Some of these guides are about friends, reunion, attachment theory, and more. This source can apply to and most benefit adoptees seeking guidance in understanding and approaching relationships.

NPR: “I Found My Birth Mother. It Didn’t Rock My Life — And That’s OK”

This is a short narrative story about an adoptee’s experience of meeting her birth mother and her feelings about it. This story can apply to and most benefit adoptees who are wondering about an experience like this. It is important to remember that this short story is not meant to be discouraging but comes from a rather realistic point of view.

Adoption Network: “Understand Your Adopted Child”

“This article explains how adoptees have felt loss and experienced trauma. Every adoptee experiences things differently, and this author brings their own perspective.”

Adoption Associates: “Openness in Adoption”

“A short article offering suggestions mainly to prospective adoptive parents, but also current adoptive parents. It includes topics such as birth families, the search and reunion process, and maintaining openness.”

Vox: “Genes aren’t destiny, and other things I’ve learned from being adopted”

An adoptee speaks candidly about their experience being adopted, dealing with other people’s expectations, and the ways in which birth family connection is powerful, but not everything.