
Today: “What Black adoptees want white parents to know about transracial adoption”

This article features the voices of Black adults who were adopted by white families. The adoptees share their perspectives on identity, culture, and their sense of belonging.

The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC): “I Am a Parent or Caregiver”

The NMAAHC’s purpose is to help children understand what race is, how it operates in society, and why it’s important (particularly in the US). This article is specifically for parents and caregivers who want their child(ren) to form a healthy racial identity, learn how to support complex racial problems in children, and speak out against racial inequity.

William James College: “Guide for Parents of Asian/Asian American Adolescents”

From William James College Center of Excellence for Multicultural and Global Mental Health (CMGMH), this guide will most apply to and benefit parents of Asian/Asian American Adolescents. The guide and accompanying video is available in six languages. The guide covers the history of Asian-American Discrimination in the U.S, history of Asians fighting discrimination, why it’s important to talk about it, how to talk about it, and further resources.

Medical News Today: “8 of the best online therapy programs for kids”

From Medical News Today, this article can most apply to and benefit parents who are interested in learning about therapy for their children. This article covers some different types of child therapy and child therapy techniques, how to know if a child needs therapy, how to explain therapy to a child, how to find a child therapist, child therapy costs and options, and more.

Nemours Children’s Health: “Taking Your Child to a Therapist”

From KidsHealth, this article can most apply to and benefit parents who are interested in learning about therapy for their children. In this article you can learn what therapy is, what problems they help with, how it works, and can answer other popular questions related to therapy for children.

The Seattle Times: “Adoption across races: ‘I know my parents love me, but they don’t love my people’”

“Adoptee Angela Tucker discusses how she felt like a racial impostor growing up. She explains that she may have looked Black, but didn’t feel that way.”

NCFA: “Being a Birth Mom Changed the Way I Parent”

A birth mom reflects on giving up her first daughter to adoption, and giving birth to two children after.

Creating a Family: “Helping Your Adopted Child Handle Adoption Microaggressions”

“Short article that identifies different variations of microaggressions that are particular to adoption. It also teaches strategies to instill confidence and coping strategies for children when handling microaggressions.”

HuffPost: “10 Things Adoptees Want You to Know”

“An article written by an adoptee on the 10 things adoptees want you to know. While 10 things does not cover everything, the author touches on many relevant aspects and experiences that adoptees have. “

American Adoptions: “4 Unique Challenges Faced By Transracial Adoptees”

“An article on American Adoptions that examines 4 challenges that many adoptees will have to face (also included in race education).”

Adoption Associates: “Openness in Adoption”

“A short article offering suggestions mainly to prospective adoptive parents, but also current adoptive parents. It includes topics such as birth families, the search and reunion process, and maintaining openness.”

The New York Times: “IDENTITY: When Parents Adopt a Child and a Whole Other Culture”

A New York Times article on how adoptee identity is a complex issue that is unique for each adoptee. It discusses how parents are not only adopting a child, but also their child’s culture.