

Today: “What Black adoptees want white parents to know about transracial adoption”

This article features the voices of Black adults who were adopted by white families. The adoptees share their perspectives on identity, culture, and their sense of belonging.

RESilience: Books About Race and Ethnicity

This is a directory of books about race, organized by age. It features books for young children, elementary school-age children, teens, and adults, as well as additional resources and links about race and culture.

The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC): “I Am a Parent or Caregiver”

The NMAAHC’s purpose is to help children understand what race is, how it operates in society, and why it’s important (particularly in the US). This article is specifically for parents and caregivers who want their child(ren) to form a healthy racial identity, learn how to support complex racial problems in children, and speak out against racial inequity.

“Daddy Why Am I Brown?”: A healthy conversation about skin color and family

This is a children’s book meant to start a conversation about how kids can learn to talk about skin color in a way that’s kind, thoughtful, and healthy. It’s also meant to help children understand the difference between race, ethnicity, and culture.

Resilience – “Reading and RES: Parent Tip Tool: Choosing and Using Books to Discuss Race and Ethnicity”

This brief article explains how reading books with your child is a key way to start and continue conversations about race and ethnicity. It also discusses why books are a good medium, the importance of conversations about race, and tips for how to choose appropriate books for your child.

Beynd the Golden Rule

This illustrated book serves as a parent’s guide to preventing and responding to prejudice. This book explores how to discuss racism and tolerance depending on the age of the child.

American Academy of Pediatrics: “Talking to Children About Racial Bias”

This article explains how children learn racial bias, strategies to help children deal with these biases, and how parents can confront their own racial biases. The article also features tips for talking about racism and racial differences by age (preschool, grade school, etc.) and additional resources about discrimination.

RESilience – Engaging My Child: “Parent Tip Tool: Uplifting Families Through Healthy Communication About Race”

This is a brief parent tip tool that explains what RES (racial and ethnic socialization)is, who participates in RES, and suggestions for engaging in RES.

Gladney University – Bridging the Gap: “Competencies of Transracial Adoptive Parents”

A presentation led by Ebony Mack (MSW, adoptee, adoptive parent, and more) about white parents who have adopted transracially. Mack discusses how they (parents) often learn about the cultural differences between their own norms and that of their children’s as these differences collide.

The Seattle Times: “Adoption across races: ‘I know my parents love me, but they don’t love my people’”

“Adoptee Angela Tucker discusses how she felt like a racial impostor growing up. She explains that she may have looked Black, but didn’t feel that way.”

NCFA: “The Adoptive Parent’s Responsibility when Parenting a Child of a Different Race”

“An article by the National Council for Adoption on the different ways adoptive parents can and need to support their children. This specifically discusses the issues, privileges, and challenges of adopting a child of a different race. “

Adoptive Families: “How to Be an Anti-Racist Adoptive Parent”

An article on how to actively challenge racism and discuss privilege, especially in the context of a multiracial family.

NACAC: “Transracial Adoption: Love is Just the Beginning”

“A first person perspective by Deb Reisner (North American Council on Adoptable Children member), mother to a family with a blend of African American, Native American, Latino, and European American races and cultures. She details the importance of listening to her children about their experiences with racism and family methods of externalizing racism.”