
Psychology Today

Psychology Today is a media outlet that publicizes literature and resources about behavioral science and mental health. This directory in particular offers detailed listings for mental health professionals in the United States that are adoption-competent.

Beyond Words Psychological Services

This LLC, established by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker, offers a directory of professional (medical and mental health) resources in the Denver Metro Area. Dr. Wirta-Leiker specializes in issues of race, identity, societal expectaion, family relationships, and adoption.

China Family Search

China Family Search is a resource page for those in the Chinese adoption community interested in birth family searching. It offers information and resources for both the adoptive parent and the adoptee. This source would be a good starting point for Chinese adoptees interested in searching and their parent.

Korea Adoption Services

Korea Adoption Services’s “Searching for Adoptees” webpage is for birth families searching for their biological children. For adoptees searching for their birth families, there is an additional page called “Searching for Birth Family.” KAS offers post-adoption services, too. The posted story will be translated in Korean and get posted on a Family Search board of Korean webpage as well. This source can apply to and most benefit Korean adoptees or birth families who want to search for one another.

Family Ties: Chinese Adoptee Birth Family Search

Family Ties is a Facebook group that offers guidance and support for people searching for birth families in China. This is NOT an advocacy group and is a platform solely for searching, guidance, and support.

NACAC: “The Value of Adoption Groups: Supporting Parents, Supporting Kids, Supporting Families”

An article by the North American Council on Adoptable Children that explains the role a support group can play in the lives of adopted children, their families, and parents. The article also covers how support groups can form and explains five different types of groups.

Wayfinder Family Services

Post adoption resource webpage by Wayfinder Family Services. Lilliput offers support groups, classes, and social events for families in 19 counties throughout Northern California. Lists out post-adoption service locations and lists out some thoughts in how post-adoption services can help

Adopt A New Beginning: “Support Groups for Adoptive Families”

The Support for Adoptive Families, Birth Families, and Adoptees is part of the New Beginning community. The community provides multiple types of support groups including those for adoptive moms, adoptive dads, adult adoptees 25+, and youth adoptees 8-13 years old. As of now ¾ of the support groups are currently being held over Zoom even though the group is based in Boise, Idaho.

ICAV Post Adoption Services

List of intercountry and transracial, adoptee-led, post-adoption services located in the USA. Has search reunion services, counseling therapy services, and more.

Child Welfare Information Gateway: “Adoption”

Resources on all aspects of domestic and intercountry adoption, with a focus on adoption from the U.S. foster care system. Includes information for adoption professionals, adopted adults, expectant parents considering adoption, birth parents and relatives, and prospective and adoptive parents on a broad range of adoption topics.

Gladney Center for Adoption: Adoption Forums

Adoption Forum is an online community forum containing many different threads relating to various aspects of adoptions. Larger categories include adoptive parents, foster care, special needs, adult adoptees, and more. Each category contains multiple subcategories where people can interact with each other and ask/answer questions.

Adoption Family Support Network (AFSN): Post Adoption Support

The Adoptive Family Support Group gives adoptive parents access to a community of people who can provide answers and share experiences. One resource they offer is a list of different support groups available to parents in Michigan filtered by county. Another is a calendar with different events occurring during the month and a description.

Child Welfare Information Gateway: “Adoption and School”

“Landing page with links and resources for dealing with awkward questions/challenging classroom assignments when adoptees start schools.”