  • N/A Scholarships by Ethnicity

Filtered from, this source is students who are looking for scholarship opportunities that are based on their ethnicity. You can filter through region and country.

AAC: “State by State Support Groups”

The American Adoption Congress offers a list of support groups in the United States and Canada including name, location/state, meeting times, and contact information. The group’s members can include both adopted adults and birth parents, others welcome anyone impacted by adoption, and a few are open exclusively to adoptees or birth parents.

ICAV: Adoptee Led Groups

Intercountry Adoptee Voices (ICAV) mission is to educate, support, connect, collaborate, galvanize and give voice to intercountry adoptees from around the world. They include a list of organizations that can be sorted based on those specific to country of origin, and those all inclusive for adoptees of any country.

Meetup: Adoptees

Meetup Adoptee is a location based search directory for adoptees looking for support groups. Each profile includes a location, contact information, events, and photos from the group. It also includes a list of the largest adoptee groups.