
Nursing License Map with edX: “Anti-Racism Resources for Students and Professionals in Healthcare”

This article explores the history of mistreatment and discrimination in healthcare that puts people of color at a disadvantage. It also discusses the changes that are necessary for health professionals and students to be anti-racist and eliminate healthcare inequities.

Online MSW Programs with edX: “How to Teach Kids About Race”

This article discusses how to teach children about the concepts of race, privilege, and racial and ethnic socialization (RES). Though this resource is primarily for social work students, it may be relevant to any adults that would like to start discussing race with children.

Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI)

The Asian American Health Initiative’s services can most apply to and benefit AAPI in Montgomery County. As a part of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, AAHI assists with many programs, projects, and activities. Within the webpage, you can find a good resource page with documents in many languages, a mental health provider directory, and information on their many other programs