Cerebral Palsy Guide

This resource provides educational materials, financial resources, and support options for families affected by cerebral palsy and other birth injuries. This page discusses therapies, medications,…

Mesothelioma Hope

Mesothelioma Hope has long provided free mesothelioma resources about cancer treatments, specialists, financial assistance, and more. This page particularly focuses on helping families discuss cancer…

Family Resource Center on Disabilities

This center is dedicated to providing parents of children with disabilities with information, training, and assistance. Their resource page features many websites and tools for…

CDC: “International Adoption”

An article on vaccinations and disease for parents adopting internationally. It gives recommendations and information for pre-adoption procedures, overseas medical examination processes, vaccinations, finding a…

No Hands But Ours

This organization focuses on waiting children in China with medical needs. They have resources for prospective adoptive parents, adoptive parents, and about special needs. It…

RainbowKids: “Special Needs in Children”

This adoption advocacy website is a resource for families considering special needs adoption. It has information about special needs, adoption agencies and professionals, hosting, and…