Let’s get you a visa.
China Visa Application Information
**Important: Make sure your passport has at least 6 months’ validity past your departure date.
If it does not, you MUST apply for a new passport and have it in hand before you are able to apply for your travel visa.**

China Visa Application Processing Time

**Schedule your visa appointment as soon as possible. Some consulates are scheduling two months out.**

Once you have sent in your complete visa application packet to the China consulate, it will generally take 5-7 business days for a regular application to be approved (if all the documents meet the requirements). If sending via courier service, applicants should expect an additional 2-4 days on either side for shipping time, giving a maximum timeline of about 2 weeks from application to receipt of your travel visa. Please note that this timeline may be longer now. Some travelers are currently seeing 3-4 weeks.

  • If time is tight, Expedited (2-3 business days + shipping) or Rush (1 business day +shipping) application options are available for an additional cost.

Tourists planning to visit China are required to possess a China tourist visa (also know as an “L visa”) to enter the People’s Republic of China. Visas are issued only by a Chinese Consulate or Embassy.  Travelers should start preparing their visa application packet 45-60 days prior to their departure date. 

The visa application process can get a little complicated when it comes to adoptees traveling back to their birth countries. Don’t worry! We’ll walk you through every step of the process!

Step 1: Find a Courier Service to work with (unless you live near a Consulate). Courier Service Fees vary, generally ranging between $100 – $200 per visa. For U.S. travelers, here is a short List of Known China Visa Courier Services our travelers have used in the past.

  • Your courier will let you know everything you will need to include in your visa application packet.
  • Your courier will help verify that all of the information in your COVA (China Online Visa Application) is correct and acceptable before moving forward. They are the experts and will help you successfully obtain your visa.
  • Your courier will schedule an appointment with the Consulate as soon as everything is confirmed.

Step 2: Complete your COVA (China Online Visa Application Form).

Step 3: Print out and sign your COVA. Collect the rest of your visa application packet required documents (see next tabs).

Step 4: Pack it all up and mail to your courier by tracked and certified mail.

Let us know as soon as you’ve sent out your visa application packet to your courier. 

Visa Application Form Tips
Please refer to your traveler portal for more detailed guidance. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the form fields, please contact us!
  • As long as there is a COVA (China Online Visa Application) form available for your country of residence, you should use it to apply for your China visa. 
  • ALL required fields must be completed. 
  • Make sure all names match exactly what is shown on your passport (i.e. If your middle name is included in your passport Given Names, include it exactly the same in the Visa Application “Given Name(s)” field.)
  • If you are unsure of your China birthplace/orphanage city or district, please call us
  • Type of Travel Document choose Ordinary 
  • Types of Visa and Major Purpose of Your Visit choose (L) Tourism and choose Independent Tourist
  • Number of Entries we suggest choosing Multiple 
  • Who Will Pay For the Travel choose Self
  • For entire Other Information section (Yes/No questions), ‘No’ is the optimal answer unless absolutely necessary to choose ‘Yes’
  • Review and verify that all information is correct. DO NOT click Submit.
    • Copy down your Application ID number
    • Provide your courier with your Application ID number
    • Your courier will be able to log in and review your completed visa application form via your Application ID.
    • Once the courier confirms that all is correct, you can retrieve your application using your Application ID and Submit your application
    • Print out your COVA application and sign it. Provide your courier with a signed copy in your visa application packet.

Tour Resources

What to Pack

The right outfits take time

Visa Information

Everything you need to know about that pesky little piece of paper

Travel Tips

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