There are friends, there is family,

and then there are friends that become family.

Our Mission

In 1980, the Chinese government implemented the One Child Policy to control the growing size of the People’s Republic of China. This policy ultimately curbed the rapid population growth, but it split many families apart. Thousands of newborns, most of whom girls, were abandoned and put up for adoption. While these adoptees have found their forever families, many have had limited opportunities to connect with other Chinese adoptees.

Sisters of China is a community organization dedicated to uniting female-identifying Chinese adoptees of all ages across the world by providing them a safe space to share their stories, discuss their challenges, and celebrate their heritage.

**DISCLAIMER: Sisters of China is not a clinical support group. In other words, the Sisters of China Core Team is NOT trained or licensed in therapy. As a community organization, we are focused on forming connections between members, NOT providing therapeutic services to members.

Get Involved

Virtual Meetings

We host meetings once every other month. In these meetings, members will have the opportunity to discuss topics unique to adoptees and other current topics.

Facebook Group

Our private Facebook group allows adoptees to meet and chat with each other about things such as identity/belonging, biological family searching, research projects, etc.

Discord Server

Our Discord server gives members an additional way to meet and interact with other members asynchronously. We also host our book club meetings through Discord.


Our podcast Threaded Connections is aimed towards getting to know adoptees through their interests, passions, hobbies, etc. The episodes are essentially a casual/get-to-know-you conversation!

Book Club

Our book club provides meetings are a collaborative, thought-provoking discussion about our Asian adoptee identities while bonding over our love for reading


Members on our email list


Users in our private Facebook group


Users on our Discord server

Join Today

Joining is simple and quick. All you have to do is complete the Sisters of China Membership Application below. There is no fee to become a member and the form takes about two minutes to complete.

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