Author: Amy
Interning at The Park
Birth Place, Foreign Space: Perspectives on Birth Country, Identity, & Home
For APIDA Heritage Month (Asian-, Pacific Islander-, Desi- American Heritage Month), The Park will be hosting a panel conversation with transracial, transnational, Asian adoptees to…
Cooking Kimchi Pajeon with Matt Delatour
Exploring Self-Expression and Identity: Leah Garlock
Keynote Address: Sam Futerman
Black History Month: Race, Culture, and Self-Preservation in America
For Black History Month, The Park sat down with Asiah, Fikirte, and Mercedes to discuss their experiences navigating race and culture in America as transracial,…
Keynote Conversation with Kristen Kish
“I had to stop trying to make everyone else feel comfortable and get comfortable with myself. Live your loud life exactly who you are and…